Chapter 16

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That's Avery above I gave her a new character for this fits her better!

And also...
I reviewed, edited, added and deleted parts from the first few chapters so in case you thought there was something wrong it might be gone now.

Please tell me if the often change of POV's (point of view's) bothers you?

Enjoy lovelies......

Sir Castor POV

Lathan held me in place until Avery was out of the room. And I gained control over my blood lust.

"Her blood" he said quietly "it's unique, Never have I tasted something similar in my many years."

"I said the same", I added.

"We have to find the attacker, I am the most powerful on earth, who on this planet bit her?", he struggled not to yell, an unsettling feeling came over me.

What did this mean? Who was stronger than the king? I shuddered.

"Were you able to reveal something from her blood?" I asked fearing his answer.

"Nothing Seline didn't already show me". Lathan said dryly.

"Blood compulsion" he muttered.

"Yeah, but why can't you break it? "

My brother glared at me his eyes on the verge of changing again. "I don't know", he stated lowly.

We stared at each other for a long time. I had never seen my brother like this. Problems always presented itself in a vampire kingdom, but this? This was way out of the ordinary.

"That bastard will pay", he growled, looking at the time he said "I have to go now, the rest of the stuff will have to wait. Keep her locked up we can't afford to let her escape."

"Yeah, I know ", I muttered.

As my brother left, I went in search for Seline and the girl, I found them In a guest room on the upper floor.

"Seline, get her back into the cell", I ordered her, I would do it myself but I couldn't ignore her bloody cheek.

"No" Seline said sternly, "She can't go back there, just look at her wounds."

I sighed, I didn't want to fight with Seline. I went and grabbed Avery roughly by the arm and pulled her behind me, trying hard to not smell her blood.

"Castor" Seline yelled, "you can't do that to her, it's not her fault."

I growled "Of course it is."

There must be something why the attacker chose to bite her. So whatever it was it was her fault. I felt my hatred growing towards her, clenching my hand tighter around her arm what made her gasp. I couldn't help but grab even tighter after that.

"Ow", she hissed between clamped teeth.

With long strides that she wasn't able to keep up with, I dragged her into the basement, not caring that she saw now what way I was taking her. I pushed her through the door and she stumbled and fell. Without looking back I locked the door and left the dungeon.

As I made my way to my office Luke was standing in front of it with a stern expression, I knew they had wanted to go hunting.

"How did the hunt go?", I asked wondering for what reason he looked so troubled.

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