Chapter 25

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Thank you for reading and bearing with me the pain of our dear Avery.

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Avery's POV

The guard came to take me away when all of a sudden the velvety voice spoke again.

"Wait, leave her, I will bring her back myself", he said.

My eyes grew big hidden by my hair as his words registered. I had no idea what he had in mind but I was sure it was nothing good.

"Was there anything else we needed to discuss?", he asked.

The king started speaking in a foreign language and it irritated me for I wanted really bad to know what he was saying.

My legs became weaker and weaker as I stood there and suddenly I slumped to the floor with a thud. Immediately the room became quiet and I felt everybody's gaze on me. My hair was still covering my face and neither did I look up.

My mind was set on wanting to see the new stranger but my body did not obey.

After verifying that I had only placed myself on the ground the king went on with his peculiar blabber.

I was wondering what the steady tug was in my heart but I found no answer.

After a while I became restless, sitting in a cramped leg position was not my weakness. I shifted which was hard with shackles on my hands and I threatened to fall over. I grumbled slightly and awkwardly shifted my legs from beneath me. The room hushed again and again everybody was looking at me.

My feet were blue and my legs were freezing due to the hard and cold marble floor. Soon this position bit daggers into my back and it became nearly unbearable.

As I was about to move again, the room grew loud with chair movement I glanced shortly to my side to see that everybody was getting up and preparing to leave. The double door opened behind and from the corner of my eye I saw that the people were making their ways out gracefully.

I still didn't dare to look at the desk to the king's right; I knew that 'he' was there.

When seemingly everybody had left, I heard two pairs of footsteps walk towards me. When they stopped their shoes were in my point of view. I was happy to see it was not him.

"What have you found on her?", It was Sir Castor.

The other man scoffed "Nothing,", Its was King Lathan.

"You said your witches would find out.", Sir Castor's voice was curt.

"They say her sire is a myth."

"Oh how smart", came a snarky comment from across the room.

A shiver ran through my body. Apparently I was a disgrace to this mysterious man.

Tears threatened to spill out of my eyes; whatever this man said affected me like a natural disaster affects nature, like a hurricane a coast and a wildfire a forest.

"Not being able to say her own name? Are you bluffing?", he demanded.

Slow deliberate steps echoed of the marble as he made his way closer.

"That's why I have to find her sire." King Lathan said.

"What vampire is strong enough to defy your rules and set up an unbreakable blood compulsion?", the velvet was close now.

"That's exactly what I asked myself after I found out about her." Sir Castor said.

"She must be a witch.", mystery man said.

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