Chapter 19

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Oh my goodness #214 in vampire...what can I say it's not super high but I didn't even expect to get a ranking after all:)

Sir Castor POV

I stared at the blood that lingered on Avery's lips. I wanted to bend over and lick it off.
   Feeling her soft lips on my wrist sucking my blood had my senses on overdrive.
She was looking at me with her intense blue eyes which were full of shock.

  "I..." she mumbled "what did I do?"

"It's ok", I muttered softly "it's all normal."

"But I want to know", she seemed to have gained some control of her emotions.

"The bite on your neck is infected, my blood will help your body to get rid of the infection. " I explained quietly in a half lie.

It would help with the infection yes,  to just make it worse. It would accelerate the act of transition, which was like an infection to a humans body.

"But why am I attracted to it?", she asked in a small voice.

"It doesn't matter," I mumbled, not knowing myself why she had wanted vampire blood instead of human blood.

She scrambled away from my arms that still rested around her and stood on shaky legs. Her eyes were wide and she opened her mouth to say something but nothing left her blood stained lips.

I got up and went to cell door without speaking a word. She was still staring at me in disbelief, as if she couldn't grasp what just had happened.

  A deep scowl darkened her features as I locked the metal bars and left the dungeon.

I went up into my office and pondered over what had happened my mind replaying over and over the scene of her full lips pressed against my wrist and drinking my blood.  It had me wanting to give her my blood again. Feeling her soft mouth on my wrist was something I wanted to feel again.

A knock on the door interrupted my thoughts and I huffed out a low "Come in,". 

As the door opened I turned to see Leo enter my office. I was captured by the deep black that had taken over the green in his eyes. 

"What happened?", where my first words towards him and he met me with a confused look.

"Uh...I don't know what you mean?", his brows furrowed in anticipation.

"Your eyes," I muttered.

A slow smile crept upon Leo's lips and desire swept past his eyes.

"Officer Gabe thought it well to attack me, he stabbed my guts and yelled for my mate to leave the house, but I called her back, it's amazing how strong our mate bond was, she returned and tried to tend to my wounds. She accepted me the way I am.", His eyes seemed distant and dreamy.

"That still doesn't answer my question," I told him which knocked of his dreamy stare.

"Oh," he coughed awkwardly "she offered me her blood."

Now it was my turn to be surprised, sucking my breath in sharply.

That was something not every human would do, offering their blood, for a vampire bite was extremely painful. That's what I had experienced anyway

"She accepted me right away I was so surprised.", he added quietly.

'Yeah, she sure did accept you quickly. Where's my mate? Where huh?'

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