Chapter 48

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Hello here's another one...hopefully less awkward; D

Prince Elían's POV

I was aware of how Avery slipped out of the room but not before I saw the pain in her eyes.

I moved Athena out of the way and got of the bed.

"What did you want?" I asked her.

She was pissed of that I didn't go on but she still knew better then to disrespect me.

"Your father sent for you," she murmured and I made my way out of the room. When I entered my father's office he looked up to see who had come in and when he saw it was me, a small smile graced his lips followed by a slight chuckle.

"You really scared the girl out of her own room, didn't you?" His voice was amused, but I didn't understand.

"Like what?" I asked confused.

"I came across Avery in the lower hall she was rushing towards me and when I stopped her and asked what was going on the poor thing had a hard time saying it was you and Athena in her room." I knew my father didn't mind when I was with Athena in fact she was one of the most suitable women as the next queen because of her witchcraft.

My own smile had reached my lips, " Ah yeah she didn't like that."

"So why did you call me?" I asked not sure how I felt joking over Avery like that.

"The soldiers arrived and I would like to know how well they are trained. Mind helping me out there?" He spoke while shuffling through a stack of papers.

"Sure I can, where are they?" I had trained a few many soldiers myself I liked the job.

"In think they are out on the training site already." He spoke while lifting his phone to answer an incoming call.

I quickly ran to my bedroom to change into the rightful gear and made my way outside.

I didn't even think about where Avery might have gone hiding.

Soon after I made my way into the training ring. I was surprised, my father had not been kidding there where more soldiers then I expected to be. And I also recognized their mark. It was the Blood Warrior coven mark. The best elite trained soldiers our kingdom had.

It was extremely calm and soon I knew why. The three brothers sat on the judging chairs and everybody was dumbfounded to see them. Until now everybody had only heard of them.

The amount of respect that was shown towards them was nearly inexplicable.

The first in command of the group was standing before them.

"Ah look the Prince," it was Landis who spoke, everybody turned to look at me, many of them I was sure had never seen me before, "he will be leading here."

For a moment a flicker of relief flooded across the the brother's faces, when I reached them I knew why.

"We don't know how to handle a group of battle ready vampires anymore," Landis joked in Greek so nobody else would understand. Only a few of the Royals spoke the old greek.

I grimaced and turned towards the commander, who didn't hesitate to bow before me and the whole troop followed suit.

"Any instructions my father gave you that I'm not aware of?" I asked not beeting around the bush. The commander got up and looked at me obviously irritated by my irrational question which I asked on purpose. There was no way he knew what I knew of them or what I didn't know.

"Sir I don't know," he meekly answered.

'Lame answer'

"When is the last time all of you fed?" My voice was flat.

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