Chapter 49

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I really hope you enjoy even though I'm suffering from writer's block or I'm just stuck overall!

Avery's POV

With a hazed mind that caught only half of the things that were happening around me I realized that the three brothers also had come into the king's office. Sir Castor and Rayne dropped down immediately to bow.

"Where is Seline?", the question was out of my mouth and everybody turned to look at me. I remembered that Seline was originally the one who was able to look into one's mind but I supposed Rayne had used her witchcraft to do so.

Dimitri motioned for Castor and Rayne to stand and nodded his head towards me in allowance for Castor to answer.

"Seline stayed home with Gabe."

My eyes widened, "Officer Gabe?"

"Yes, he called his job off and came to live in my house." Castor explained stepped closer to me and eyes me up and down.

"What about my parents? Layla and Leo?", I whispered.

He looked around uncomfortably evading my eyes. "We compelled them to think that you moved away due to terms you weren't ready to talk about." I gasped. "Leo is one of my personal guards and Layla well she knows where you are."

The newly heard information left me dumbfounded, I  couldn't even see clearly as the sight of Castor in front of me began to fade. I was a lie for my parents, an abomination at the castle and in a situation where my best friend couldn't do anything about it.

I stumbled out of the room and nobody tried to stop me. Well why would they?

I shut the door behind me and stood there for a moment trying to catch my breath and my thoughts at the same time.

"Avery?", a familiar voice sounded not too far.

Slowly I turned and was stunned to see who was standing a few feet away. It was Leo. He seized me up and down with fleeting eyes his stare staying glued at my bite mark but not the original one it was the one Prince Elian had just created.

I watched him as well, whereas he was probably looking at what a mess I had become I saw how he looked better than ever. He was dressed in fighting gear, his eyes where black instead of green, how I had met him. 

A sad smile spread over my lips as his mouth opened to say something but nothing came out. 

"That bad huh?", my voice was faintly audible. 

"No Avery of course not I...", he trailed off and old memories of how much I had wanted him came crashing down on me.

'He's your best friend's soulmate' A nagging little voice whispered in the back of my mind. But it was painful enough, he had been ripped from my heart; a gaping hole now that was not quite filled.

'And by who are you filling it, a prince who is with another woman?'

I stepped closer until I was in front of him, "No Leo, don't try to make it sound better then it is, I know that I'm an undead corpse."

The words tasted vile in my mouth but they were the truth.

His face contoured and unreleased emotion, "Avery, how can you say that?"

Another sad smile graced my lips, "Because its only a  matter of time."

I didn't need to say more, he knew what I meant and there was nothing anybody could do about it.

I would either be killed or would die of the toll the original bite was having on me.

"Still no trace of your sire?" he asked the question he knew the answer to.

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