Chapter 38

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As always hope you enjoy.......

Prince Elían's POV

The thoughts that swirled through my mind where unexplainable.

'Where the hell is she'

Was the only one that made sense.

I flashed out of the bathroom back into the hall and tried to catch her scent, there was none. With fury I made my way down the hall and back into the dungeon from where we had come, she was nowhere to be seen.

In the next instant it was back in the castle and went into my dad's office but it was empty. Frustrated I went back into the hall and tried to sense where the closest people where. Then I realized I should check the cameras.

They where in my father's office and I went back inside. Scanning across the screens I tried to find her but there were many screens. Suddenly movement caught my eye on one of the screens in one of the many guest rooms.

There she was and Evander was beside her, very much to close for my liking. In fact I hated that he was with her.

 I sped down the halls and into the section where we had prepared the rooms for the three brothers.

'Why would he take her here?'

I stood outside the door deciding on what I should do. What did he want from her? 

Technically I had no right to go into Evanders room, he was an original and I was not. He could do what he wanted especially with a human.

My hand was already touching the door handle, now I took it back slowly. Much slower I made my way back where I had come from.

I could not barge into the room and take her away from there but I could watch what was going on from the cameras.

But then again why would I care. It made no sense why I was here anyway. 

Well yes, I had let her shower and had gone to get her clothes and now she was with Evander in nothing but a towel. No, that did not sit well with me.

Though sitting here was not good for me, so I went away back into the bathroom and waited. I tried to sense what was going on in the room but it was to far away.

The minutes where ticking away but there was still no sign of her coming back. 

My patience of which I already had none grew shorter and shorter.

Suddenly two pairs of footsteps came walking down the hall and one of them was obviously having trouble with walking straight.

 The footsteps stopping in front of the door and I stood facing it when it slowly opened and I came face to face with Evander.

His eyes turned into slits but then grew smug.

"I brought your lady back.", He grinned into my face.

He stepped aside and revealed a fragile looking Avery she was pale and obviously shocked with two punctured holes on her neck where the blood had flown down her chest from.

Evander turned to leave and before he did he said, "Oh and if you decide to kill her let me know first, I just might want to keep her for food."

I was not exactly sure what my expression looked like but I was sure If someone who knew me saw me right now would know better then to mess with me.

Avery's face was emotionless and I knew her mind was making itself ready to shut down for a moment.

I slammed the door shut and locked it, not wanting anyone to interfere again. She was breathing loudly now and swayed dizzily against the wall.

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