Chapter 11

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Also a shout out and a huge THANK YOU too my best friend on wattpad RachidaAnejjar for the beautiful cover she made for me. Check out her profile and read her capturing books!


Officer Gabe POV

I stood in shock staring at her.


The sweet daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Young.
Here she was, in a vampire mansion locked in a dark cell, suffering. The same place I had spent a lot of time in. Memories of those days flooded my mind but I quickly pushed them away and looked at her again.

  I cringed, 'Why the hell does she look so miserable?'

The excitement had left her blue eyes and they were pleading.
I had said, I wasn't here to take her home.

"Avery do you know what these people are?" I asked her quietly.

She looked at me in disbelief.
"You know? " she whispered.

"Say it Avery, what are they?" I had to hear her say it I didn't know why though.

She looked from me to Castor, who stood quietly in the cell entrance.

"Vampires," it came over her lips in a terrified whisper.

"I'm sorry Avery you should never have discovered." I looked into her sad eyes.

Again her eyes carried disbelief with a mix of disapproval.
"You "She stuttered "I mean I thought, and I bet everybody else does, that they don't exist."

"I know" I said, knowing what she was experiencing. "I once thought that too. Until I was captivated by  them for three years in this same room. "

She sat motionless on the ground staring at me.
"I don't understand" she whispered.

"It doesn't matter" I said quickly.

"But they let you out so why can't they let me out either? " she said confusion clouding her features.

"Avery a law has been broken, they can't let you go. It would put all your family and friends in danger," Castor had told me to keep it short that if they wanted Avery to know they would tell her themselves what law exactly had been broken or how it worked.
"But...." she bit her lip. " I don't understand" she said again.

"I know you don't,  but one day you might".

Sir Castor cleared his throat and I knew that he wanted me to leave.

"Avery listen whatever happens, don't give up," giving her a last glance I turned around and walked out of the dark dungeon.

I heard her call after me. It was so hard leaving her in the horrible place but I had no power over this. And I hated to have no power.  My nature was to protect people and search for the best. Now I had to just walk away.

Once out of the dungeon I turned to face Sir Castor.

"What are you doing to her, why do you have her locked up? She looks miserable don't you think it's bad enough for her, the fact that she's been bitten?" He was taller then me but I still looked at him with angry eyes.

  Castor glared back at me and his jaw was clenched "Human, watch your tone around me," he growled.

I shrank back a step, I hated to admit it, but I was afraid of this man.

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