Chapter 65

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Hello guys who's excited for this one?


Avery's POV

I was still sitting in the piano room, rather dumbfounded.

The blood, my long teeth, our kiss. It wasn't what was on my mind but something else, Why had he left the room so abruptly?

My heart clenched and it was painful.

'No no please, no more pain.'

But it didn't go away and it was obvious. He didn't feel the same way I did, he was going to reject me.

I admitted it now, that I wanted him.

Once my heart realised what my mind was thinking the pain came crashing down on me and this time it wasn't physical pain.

I was so tired of feeling pain and now there was more coming?

No I wouldn't have it. I couldn't.

In an instant I got up and stormed out of the room.

I didn't know where to go but I followed my instinct and ended up in the room where I had come from.

What was I suppose to do now?

Wait till someone came to check on me?

Who would come? The Prince? Surely not, he had just shown me what he thought of me.

Suddenly I froze.

I felt it somewhere and I knew there was more to it.

And then I remembered, it was Kyros. Who exactly was he and why had he choosen to bite me in the first place.

I had to know, I had to know what was going on. I had to know what would happen now. I had to know what my purpose served here.

I had to know...

I had to know...

I had to know what the hell was going on.

I clutched my head, all these thoughts they hurt immensely.

Tears were burning in my eyes and my teeth ground together as a wail escaped my mouth.

Why had the Prince left me?

Why had he not rejected me when I first came close?

Why was I like this?

Why was I a 'vampire'?

I shuddered and stormed in front of the mirror that hung on the wall beside a vanity table and grew suddenly very still.

I looked different.

My skin was if not flawless but it was different.
My eyes were to my surprise blue but the blue was deeper and more extravagant.
My hair seemed to be healthier then ever.

For a moment I was still and stared at myself.

But then the anger took over. Frustration towards everyone and everything that had led to where I was right now. Ice crawled up my veins and my fist clenched.

I had to do something but what could I do? A little girl.

I was still standing in front of the mirror.

My body was rigged and yet I stayed motionless. I had to let it all go somehow but I forced it back.

I swallowed my anger down and I felt it going away but it never left me, it hid.
There was no telling when it would come out or in what way it would appear.

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