Chapter 59

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Hello lovelies, fast's Prince Elían, Avery, Kyros and everyone else's time again  because I felt generous and am waiting on the chapters just as much as you are!

Get ready for this one though!

- Much love, Vrykólakas! 

Prince Elían's POV

I was back in Avery's room, staring at her pale face.

She had been pale ever since the first time I saw her but now it was worse. Her face was white as a ghost and her lips had lost every color.

Everyone had left and I was the only one in the room.

I listened for her heartbeat and only came across a faint thud in her chest that hardly could be described as a beating heart.

Suddenly I noticed someone standing in the doorway, it was Flora along with my sister.

They both walked in and Flora looked as if she was ready to cry, as she reached the bed she clutched Avery's hand in hers.

"So many bad things have happened to you.", Flora whispered, "and yet you never gave up fighting for us, and all we did was treat you wrong."

Luna was standing beside me. She bent forwards and took Avery's other hand in hers. Luna's eyes traveled up to mine.

"She is so cold." Her whisper sent a stab down my back. She turned to look at the pale girl in the bed.

"All the darkness I saw in your eyes was all the darkness you had to endure. I don't know why you didn't lose your mind you where only a human and not meant for such powerful darkness."

Kyros's words came to my mind as he said her dreams took her to places, where not even I would be able to be for much time.

"Elían," she directed the question at me," is she dying?"

A sudden lump formed in my throat, it was hard to speak. Who was I kidding vampires didn't get lumps in their throats but nonetheless it was still hard to speak.

"I don't know."

Flora sucked her breath in and her eyes watered.

"She doesn't deserve to die, she did so much for us and she gets repaid with death, that is so unfair. She deserves to live and be treated like a queen." Luna spoke quietly.

' A queen.'

My eyes traveled down her body which was covered in clothing that had been worn for much too long. She had bruises on her arms and some on her face. 

"She's hanging by a thread, I tried to reach to her but she's too far gone."  Flora mumbled.

"Kyros said magic wouldn't help her now." My voice was monotone.

"Then what will?", My sister asked quietly.

"A transition might." I mumbled just as straight.

"Then why isn't he doing it?" Luna asked to my surprise.

'He wants me to do it'

I shook my head, I couldn't understand why.

'Are you going to let her die?'


It was his voice in my head again.

'Will you really?'

My breath staggered as I  turned to face the powerful vampire who was standing in the door.

"It is my choice?" I asked hoping it wasn't true.

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