Chapter 54

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Hallooo! Who's excited for this chapter? Me!!

Third person's POV

The original first witch to ever live, had the dream of creating a vampire. He would try again and again but never to succeed, his chosen victim's where human or witch, he tried either.

Human's at that time called him a psychic murderer, for all they saw was how he abducted victims that later turned up dead or didn't show up at all.

Witches were afraid of him because aside from the way he ruled the witch community which was fairly well, nobody wanted to question his obsession with creating a new species, if they did they could very possibly be chosen as the next experiment. 

For once he nearly succeeded with his new creation. The victim lived for a few days, a red eye carrier he called him but that was also the end of both of them. The creation was a modified version of a killer and human. Overcome by bloodlust he drained the witch and if the creator dies so does the creation, he was a beast whose brain was damaged due to the large amount of venom the witch had used. 

A venom that suffocate's human blood vessels, it was created through a spell with the use of the element spirit; these dead blood vessels once they come in connection with human blood become alive again but much more powerful, until they take over all of the other vessels changing the whole body and they never stop craving fresh blood.

Azalea had all the information from this witch and also the one from other witches that tried the same spell, none succeeded, why? Because none of the victims were willing. Until the three brother's. 

While performing the vampire spell Azalea had to use the element spirit but not only did she use spirit she also called the first witch's spirit to help her perform the spell.


The sky remained dark even though it was early in the afternoon. The lightning was had gone and so the wind but now a reigning silence remained. 

After the the silhouette had spoken the words it had been as if the winds where afraid of him. The voice that consisted only of velvet was enough to raise the dead and bring the live into the grave.

Everyone had dropped to their knees bowing to the silhouette that even with the wink of an eye seemed to be able to make earth's gravity disappear.

The prince remained hovering over Avery's lifeless body he was the only one who had not yet set eye on the bright darkness that had come.

Slowly the silhouette dissolved into the shape of a tall male frame, his features covered by a large dark cloak.

The king despite his dutiful urge to know what the hell was going on was dumbfounded and frozen to place, not moving at all.

He watched warily as the newcomer took slow step's towards The prince and Avery. He seemed to glide across the ground.

When he stopped in front of the girl, the prince stumbled backwards and the man released a soft angry growl.

The king nervously clenched his fist, if he knew one thing it was the guy was powerful as hell and he was angry.

"First you treated her like nothing and then you let her die." The controlled anger that rolled of the strangers voice in velvety waves coated everyone in fear and scared anticipation of what would happen next.

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