Chapter 24

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Avery's POV

I hunched over still clutching my chest, I had no clue as to what was happening to me. My eyes were burning and I blinked rapidly several times but it didn't seem to go away. 

Suddenly a guard appeared in front of the cell door.

"Why did you yell", he asked harshly.

"I am....... in pain", I wheezed between breaths.

The guards expression was emotionless.

"Please help", I begged as the guard turned to leave.

A steady burn ripped through my body and I fought for my breath. Even the air that filled my lungs seemed to be boiling vapor. 

When the cell door opened again I was to weak to look who had entered. I was lying with my back on the floor, my eyes closed and breathing hard.

"Drink", came the solid command of Joel's voice.

I opened my eyes and saw that he was holding a bottle of water.

When I attempted to sit up, I slumped back with a groan. Joel bent down and propped me up and sat the bottle against my lips.

The water hit my throat with a refreshing twinge but when it came to my stomach it clenched in a painful cramp. Instantly I gagged and coughed forcefully.

Joel bestowed me with a questioning look and when I made no attempts to answer he asked,

"What was that?"

"I don't know," I whispered for lack of voice.

"Here try again", he said.

As the second swallow hit my stomach the cramp was more severe and I curled up yelling in pain.

"Well what do you want?", He asked frustrated.

I was terrified to tell him that Sir Castor had given me his blood so I decided against it. Adding to that, I wasn't sure if it had helped me or made it worse

"I don't know what's wrong.", I whispered again.

Joel walked slowly out of the cell and  gave me a frustrated look. I glanced up at him through foggy eyes for my vision seemed to blur.

After a while of intense cramps the pain faded away but with it came thirst and my fingers itched to take the water Joel had left. 

Finally I couldn't wait any longer and I carefully took a sip. It ran down my throat with a satisfying ease and settled in my stomach with a pang but it didn't stop me from emptying the bottle of its contents.

After I did just that, a sick feeling settled over me; the stomach cramps began to reappear and I writhed in pain on the floor.

'So much for staying clean'

Heat was quickly accelerating its pace of spreading through my body.
Beads of sweat ran down my front and clung to me together with the floor grime.

I twisted from side to side not knowing how to lessen the pain; touching my forehead I realized that I was running a very high temperature.

My bite mark was ignited and I wheezed between breaths.

"I suppose being bitten by a vampire isn't very much fun now is it?", my head snapped towards the voice only to meet King Lathan's menacing glare.

He was looking through the bars with a 'I-couldn't-care-less-expression'.

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