Chapter 27

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Avery's POV

 My skin was covered in goosebumps and my heart was beating rapidly.

Where seconds before the Prince had been was now an empty space. The only reason I knew  he had left was the slamming of the iron bars. But that was it; I hadnt seen him, nor his shadow.

What did he want? Why did he call me Gatáki? What was happening?

More similar questions ran through my head. I was utterly confused and started to become irritated. My normal life had been ripped from me by a maniac who bit my neck and others claimed it was a vampire. Themselves said to be one.

Vampires? How peculiar was that?

 I was starting to doubt their existence, I mean who believes that in the first place?  

'You drank  blood and you like it.'

'But that doesn't mean it's true', I argued with myself.

Why did I believe that anyway?

Yes, Sir Castor when he first showed me his eyes and fangs. 

'But they could be fake'

Sir Castor had carried me at an inhuman speed.

'That doesn't mean he's a vampire'

The king and his face, his nails and epic eyes.

'Still not a vampire'

The prince and his utter beauty.

'There are tons of beautiful humans.'

He came into the cell without me noticing, played with my mind and called me Gatáki like the other voice and left without me noticing.

"I dont know whats going on," I whined half aloud.

'That voice that always talks to you'

I was stuck, to many things pointed towards vampire existence.

My thoughts were rudely interrupted by a stabbing pain in my neck. My hand flew to the spot and I gently pressed against it.

It was the first time I had touched it not wanting it to be true. But there it was against my hand. Raw, swollen and painful.

Softly my fingers caressed the rough edges of the wound and the burning increased somewhat.

When I retreated my hand my eyes grew big for it was stained with blood. I reached towards my nose and sniffed it. It smelled like normal blood, metallic and...and deadly.

I reached back and softly pressed against the bite; it caused tingles all over my body and I quietly groaned in pain.

All of a sudden footsteps  came closer and I looked up to see King Lathan looking in surprise at me.

"What are you doing here?", he asked aren't you supposed to be with Sir Castor?"

I didn't think that he wouldn't know why I was here.

"Answer me", he bellowed.

"The...the prince", I squeaked shakily.

"He what?" The king spat.

"He told Sir Castor to leave me."

King Lathan's brows furrowed for a moment , "Oh fine I like you here better anyhow."

I looked at him questioningly. Yesterday he had said he didn't care where I was.

"Sir Castor is going soft on you.", he answered my unasked question.

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