Chapter 32

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Prince Elían's POV

My mouth hung half open.

Had I heard right?

"What?" I asked wryly.

"You heard me, the three brothers are coming."my father yelled in my face.

I stood there immobilized staring at him.

"How do you know?"

He pointed at a piece of paper on his desk.

It was elegant material neatly folded in half.

I took it and opened it to reveal a handsome penmanship, I was surprised that it was English.


We have come across disturbing news. We're sure you know what we are talking about.

Be prepared we will be present by the end of this week.

- Dimitri, Landis and Evander Vlahakis

'Well shit'

The three brothers never had come out into the world after my father's kingdom had risen.

Avery's POV

I was left standing and scared; I stood there for a few minutes before snapping out of it and I crawled into the bed.

For once I didn't feel a burn or ache and I was feeling clean.

For some reason sleep came quickly to me even if it wasn't in the night.

>>The crowd had grown by hundreds from last time I had been exactly here. It seemed a lot angrier as well.

"Damn it Gatáki, what are you doing here again?", I gasped quietly but was pleased to hear his voice.

I didn't answer my body just kept moving; weaving its way through the mass of people. Their faces held more fury than ever. No pain, no hurt just raw anger.

My eyes shifted towards the man who was talking to them again. This time his voice was clear but I couldnt identify any word; it was the foreign language.

The crowd occasionally cheered to what he was saying.

"What are they saying," I was hoping he would still be with me.

"They are plotting", he answered.

"Plotting for what", I asked confused.

"Plotting for war", he answered grimly.

I felt my face contort in confusion, "War? Against whom?"

"The king."

As his answer registered in my brain I couldn't help but almost feel happy. The king would be brought to justice.

"Gatáki you can't think that, if the king dies the world will suffer, the whole human planet will be revolutionized; he's the only one controlling the living vampires from taking over."

"Who are these people, and why am I seeing this.", I was troubled by what he told me and also that he knew what I had been thinking.

"Their his enemies, enemies of whom he has no idea they exists."

"But how will he be able to fight back then?"

"That's exactly why these people are so dangerous, nobody knows about them."

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