Chapter 53

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This is the second part of the previous chapter, actually I wanted to write it all in one but decided it was more thrilling to write it in two chapters!!!

If you like that I updated, thank Brunuhville! A great music artist, he helped me write this chapter with his music and the ever beautiful 'Sound of Silence' by justin and Johnny Coppolino! (Musicvideo above)



Avery's POV (along Azalea)

I wondered if there was a way that the prince could notice that I was there as well, I hoped with all I had that not. It was the last thing I wanted to happen now, because I knew he would be mad.

With determined steps Azalea walked to stand beside the Prince facing down the cliff. Without a words both of them stepped over and fell down.

I gasped and would have screamed, but I was mute. Instead of tumbling down like I thought we would, we were gliding down perfectly and in a crouched position they both landed only to stand up and keep walking.

We had gone further from the rest then I had thought.

I kept stealing glances out of the corner of my eye towards the prince, his face would have made the Greek gods bend their knees because he was one himself.

In a motion fast as lightning Azalea was swept off her feet, the wind blew around her in a gush that would have made me hold my breath, another urge to shriek was stopped by my inability of using a body.

The denial of not being able to utter a sound or breath and even feel, if Azalea didn't want me to, was beginning to drive my mind crazy.

Once Azaleas eyes opened, I saw the Prince from an angle I had not before, she was pressed against his chest but only for a moment as he sat her back on her feet, this time on the large boulder Prince Elían had been on when the fight started.

Emotions bit at me when I realized that I had not even felt what his arm had felt like. I tried to hide my emotions that tried to take over my mind.

A sudden surge of power swept across Azaleas body and it was one I felt. A bit to hard.

I would've yelled again if possible as Azalea jumped down the boulder and before her feet touched the ground her fisted hand did. This time I felt it everywhere, it tore from my toes up my legs into my torso up my chest and rushed into my head, the scream of pain that was stuck in my throat sent burning fragments into my mind.

The ground opened up where her fist had landed and tore a broad crack further and further,my eyes followed it, until I saw it ripping the ground open between two people.

The king and Valiria.

Their eyes turned towards Azalea and as the king's widened in surprise Valiria's turned to slits, again I wished I wasn't there; I did not belong here. What had I gotten myself into?

Azalea stepped forward right into the crack but she never fell inside it was as if the ground had never opened, at least not for her.

I tried to focus again on what was happening, even though my mind still buzzed with the pain of Azaleas magic.

It was not until she was right between Valiria and the king that she stopped and looked first at the King. His eyes grew the softest shade I had ever seen them and I quickly looked away, not wanting to see the looks they shared.

But as her eyes passed on to Valiria I felt tremors of anger shaking through Azaleas body. The stare that she received back was of the worst kind.

Valiria's golden eyes intensified as her glare grew deeper, I had no clue what colour eyes Azalea had but I was sure they would be bright with fury.

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