Chapter 9

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Avery's POV

I didn't know how I had fallen asleep but somehow I had. I tried to get up in a sitting position, my body was weaker than before and I felt sick to my stomach. 

I felt like I was going to throw up and the next thing I knew my body bent itself over and I was choking hard. My stomach muscles cramped up, I couldn't breath anymore. Just as I began to panic about lack of air my muscles relaxed but not long after I choked again. My stomach had nothing to give up it was empty.

Once more I choked, this time with more force and I dropped to the floor as oxygen left my system.

Sir Castor's POV

Finally had I found who I was looking for and then it had token me another while convincing her to come with me.
She didn't like the idea when she heard that the girl had been bitten.

I entered my mansion with her trailing behind me. Hesitation written all over her face.
Well I didn't like it either, that's why I needed her to help me find out what was going on. 

As she entered the door she asked " Where is she? "

"I'm keeping her locked up" I said. 

 "Really? Is she dangerous? ", she asked

I chuckled humorless " Hardly ".

 "Then why are you keeping her locked up?"

"I didn't want her to escape."

She shrugged it of. " I'll would like to eat something " she said changing the subject.

" Of course I'll have my servant bring you something ".

After a while we sat at the table while she ate her simple meal of a sandwich comfortably.
"So how do you say you found her? " She asked between bites.

"We were hunting in the forest west from us about 15 miles or so. Suddenly Tyrel picks up a scent of fresh blood and alerts us. He is the first to find her crawling on the ground. After we tried to talk to her she made an attempt of escaping but didn't come very far of course. She had no clue what had happened to her. In fact she got mad when we asked her who had bitten her. She insisted she hadn't been bitten. We brought her here and showed her her bite and she couldn't believe it. And I'm telling you I've never seen a more shocked expression on anyone human or vampire as she discovered what we were. "

"How did she discover".

"Well she wouldn't tell us who bit her so I decided to find out on my own. I tasted her blood to see her memories, but I couldn't control myself her blood was so intoxicating my fangs came out", I told her with a smirk.                                                                                                                                               

 Her lips curved into a small smile, "Horrible first impression".

After finishing her food she got up and said,  "Well let's not waste anymore time ". 

I agreed and led the way down to the dungeon. It was late in the night already and I assumed she would be asleep therefor I had brought an oil lamp to light the way.              

Once we stood in front of the door I handed the lamp to the woman beside me. With a squeak the rusty bars opened and we saw her laying right in front of us.

"Wake up" I said my voice echoing of the stone wall.

She stirred and then her eyes shot open. She had confusion written all over her face, as realization hit her she shrank back in fear.

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