Chapter 60

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Omg, 60 chapters? Well what can I say the characters have grown on me and I can only hope on you to!!

Prince Elían's POV

I had spent the whole night holding her in my arms. I still felt tired and wanted nothing but to take a shower and sleep.

I admitted that it sounded awfully human but I didn't care.

Over the night there had been no changes with Avery. The only reason I knew that she was not dead was the the constant body temperature she still kept up.

There was no heartbeat and no breath.

Twice Kyros had come inside and stabilized her with his magic; A greedy part of me wanted to be the one that did that as well. 

If something had changed overnight it was me. The urge to protect her was strong enough for me having to hold back a growl when Kyros touched her.

Speaking of the devil, in that instant he came through the door. 

"I need you to help me on this spell," he smirked, "witch."

Before I had time to protest that I didn't know how, he cut me off, "Don't say you don't know how because I didn't just give you your witch part I also gave you the knowledge how to be one."

I was dumbfounded.

"It was actually wrong of me to do that, everybody should take great honour in learning how to wield magic but we didn't have time for that now." He explained and I only nodded.

Suddenly he shook his head at me.

"Of course," he scoffed.

His actions totally random I asked, " Of course what?"

"Instead of having gifts like healing or something positive, you got one off destruction." He mumbled.

'What gift?'

I didn't know what to say again.

"Well Prince of destruction you will have to find the little good that's left inside of you, if there is any,  and use it to help Avery."

Irritated by his words I moved my position so Avery's head was resting on my lap.

The only good thing inside of me was my mother, she had always been the one to easiest calm a furious me.

I focused on an image of my mother and after a moment I felt the tingling beneath my fingers again, much stronger though then before.

Instantly I knew what to do, while Kyros was going to make her body stronger I was going to heal what needed to be fixed. I winced, there were many things.

For example the chest wound. It was invisible from the outside but the inside was not mended at all, I was surprised that she had not broken down before.

I called the power beneath my fingers and it surged forward down my arm and invisibly out of my hand straight to Avery's wound's.

I felt the power tugging on me, making me tired. Maybe I should have fed before trying to use powerful magic but it didn't stop me. Not until the last muscle was sealed back in place.

I slumped against the wall, my body covered in sweat, something that was unknow to me.

"Maybe you're not such a bad healer after all." Kyros grinned at me and I felt my lips lift in one corner, I was to tired to respond better.

"Go rest, being a witch can be tiresome." Kyros said feeling Avery's front. 

Every so slowly I slipped from the bed and placed Avery's head on the pillow but before I left I called for Flora and Luna.

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