Chapter 20

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Thank you so much for reading it means the world to me:-** Love ya'll!
Though apparently I've lost readers...should I continue?

Avery's POV

I glanced around to take in the interior of the jeep, it looked expensive and heavy at the same time.

A third guy sat behind the wheel and the other two sat beside me each a hand on me ready for any of my objections.

My eyes were wide  and I didn't dare to move.
   It was getting hard to breath, my lungs sucked in rapid short breaths, my hands became moist behind my back and sweat ran down my back.

  The bite on my neck throbbed fiercely.

The guard on my right squeezed my leg and mumbled,

"What's your problem?"

I wailed quietly fighting burning tears in my eyes.

I stared forward through the windshield;
Foreign scenery passed before me  in a blur.
  The jeep seemed to be extremely equipped with technology that let very little sound in from the outside but the blurring trees confirmed that we were traveling with immense speed.
I began to worry that the driver would lose control but then I remembered that he must be a vampire.

"Where are we going?", my voice squeaked.

"The king", the guard to my left muttered.

I shuddered slightly thinking of the king. He was a creature that scared the hell out of me.  

Though I thought that there was no hell left inside me and then again hell was raging inside of me. 

Suddenly the guy to my left bent over  the seat and grabbed something from behind; It was a blindfold and he didn't hesitate to put it over my eyes.

I grunted in irritation and wiggled my head but to no avail.    

The guy on my right moved his hand closer up my thigh squeezing slightly.
"Why the blindfold?", I asked disgruntled.
The guards hand slipped further up my thigh and I froze, but that didn't stop him, it crept up further and further.

"Stop", I hissed between clenched teeth, anger burning in my throat.

He chuckled and gave my tigh another squeeze before his hand slipped down to my knee again.

Suddenly I realized I was at these guys mercy and I felt scared at once.

Trying to regulate my breathing I wanted to show them I wasn't scared. But I wasn't sure how badly I was failing.

"Sit back little girl,  the trip is long you will get sleepy", a voice said lowly to my left.

'Never will I sleep in your presence'

I kept quiet and stared into the darkness.
"My name is Jace", the guy to my right said.

'No, it's pervert'
"Mines Joel", the left guy said.  
I was confused as to why they would tell me their names but I didn't mind.             
"We are twins", Jace said.

I gulped "Twins?"
Jace chuckled "Yes"

"Vampires? "

"Yes", Jace chuckled again.

"But how?" I was utterly confused.

"What do you think?  Vampires can't have children? " Joel asked.

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