Chapter 18

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Hey guys, just a fair warning don't get grossed out.....much rather I'd like you to get engrossed..... hehe! ;)

This the longest chapter I have written so far.....enjoy.

- Please spare a vote and comment, thank you.

Layla's POV

I stared at the guy who I had thought was the guy of my dreams. To many emotions and thoughts swirled around in my mind to make sense.

All I saw was his eyes and the way they would flicker between black and red. They attracted me, an undeniable urge to go to him forced me to take a step closer.

Your vampire mate!

His words echoed in my mind. Was this some kind of sick joke? Why was there blood all over Leo's shirt. Why was Officer Gabe telling me to run away? 

Vampire mate!

I shivered. What?

Vampire mate!

Suddenly my mind snapped into action.

"Leo", I yelled frantically, running towards him, his eyes where half way closed and his breath was shallow, "Leo, oh my God Officer what have you done?", I screamed.

Leo's crimson orbs lifted up to meet mine, "Blood", it was a whisper, but it made me go cold.

Realization hit me.


My hands began to shiver they where touching Leo's shoulders. I closed my eyes when unfamiliar tingles went up my arms and shuddered through my whole body.

Vampire. Mate. Vampire. Mate. Vampire. Mate.

I was frozen in place until I felt two moist hands wrap around my forearms, my eyes snapped open and I was staring into those enthralling red eyes.

My sight flickered to Officer Gabe, he was holding the cuffs and a bloody stake in his hands and looking at me with concern then turning to Leo, "Don't harm her", and walked away.

My attention returned to Leo, his hands around my arms where bloody and he seemed to be in pain.

Forgetting what I had just found out I went to put his arm around my shoulder and hoisted him up. The little strength he had left,  helped me to get him inside. With a grunt I lowered him to his couch.

"What do you need?", I asked him softly.

He looked at me, and a hint of fear crossed his features.

"I'm so sorry Layla," remorse covered his low voice. "you weren't supposed to find out like this."

"How then," I smiled softly, I had no idea why I wasn't freaking out. This was an imbalance in nature. Vampires only existed in literature.

"Different", he mumbled.

"Its ok", I stroked his dirty hair and picked out crumbs of rock and dirt, I had no idea how that had come there but I didn't ask.

"You aren't freaking out", he stated.

"I know, I was wondering about the same thing," I continued raking my fingers through his dirty hair.

 Suddenly he moaned and clutched his chest.

"What is it?", I asked my eyes wide.

"He stabbed me, that makes us weak.", he hissed between clenched teeth.

"Aren't you supposed to be immortal and strong?", I was surprised at my own question. Something was wrong with me I was taking this way to calmly.

"Im weaker than most, I try to live like a human.", his explanation confused me.

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