Chapter 22

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Avery POV

My eyes grew at the sight I was seeing.
I expected the witches to look old and wrinkled, instead, three beautiful young women stood in front of me.

"This is Athena", he gestured to the first one, she had long white hair and I marveled at her purple irises, they were hypnotizing.


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She glared at me without saying a word and I glared back.

"This is Ivy", he gestured to the second witch.

She was a pretty woman with black hair and I froze at her amber irises that seemed to be a burning flame itself.

She was a pretty woman with black hair and I froze at her amber irises that seemed to be a burning flame itself

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She did the same as Athena had done, fixating me up and down with her burning eyes.

"And that is Flora", the king said pointing towards the last witch she was a beautiful redhead whose blue eyes seemed to be lost in the deepest ocean.

"And that is Flora", the king said pointing towards the last witch she was a beautiful redhead whose blue eyes seemed to be lost in the deepest ocean

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The witch he had called Flora actually looked me genuinely in the eye and murmured a small "Hey".

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