Chapter 26

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Oh I don't have much to say since you never do either....

Unknown POV

I trembled slightly as the unfamiliar scent hit me full force.

I flashed into the castle and followed the scent wich became more intense as I followed it.

It led me in front of the double doors that held the councils meeting room.

'There's a meeting right now?'

Damn I had forgotten. Well it didn't matter if I was late. Nobody of the council was very fond of me anyways.

I opened the door and froze at the sight of a small figure on its knees in the middle of the room.

'Who the hell is that?'

Then it clicked.

It must be the girl that had been bitten.
The moment I had heard of her I had been her enemy instantly; we were way to busy dealing with other problems than a useless little human girl.

As I entered the room the scent became stronger and I realized it came from her.

And undeniable urge to kill her wrapped it's icy fingers around my heart.

Yes I do have a heart and it beats as well.

Instantly I gave the council a piece of my mind about her and I heard how she grew uncomfortable under my menacing words.

The rest of the meeting was boring as always but had to be done. The council though I didn't give a rats ass about the kingdom but actually I did. 

Why? Because everybody feared me. I had a frightening ability after all.

Without saying a word I was capable of making people, humans as well as vampires do whatever I liked. It was like compulsion but I didn't need to do it through the eyes.

The three brothers sure where kind of stupid to leave a vampire with an ability like mine, alive. But they were the only vampires I respected.

I couldn't explain to myself why I was the way I was.

After everybody had left my uncle Sir Castor and my Father remained.

They talked about finding her Sire and that there was still no trace of him. I came to the conclusion that she must be a witch for the bite didn't change her body.

My father called his witches and I smirked at the idea of seeing Athena, she always lusted after me and I had given in to her attraction a few times.

When the witches entered I knew instantly that Athena hated the girl and I was glad for that, because I did too.

But with Flora I felt a connection towards the girl. I glared at her with dark eyes and she shifted her gaze towards the ground. Flora and I didn't get along very well. Then again nobody did, her heart was too pure for the vampire world.

I returned my attention to the girl on the floor who still hadn't looked at me and I was satisfied knowing that I radiated dominance towards her.

As soon as Athena had hurt the girl by confirming that she was not a witch after all, Sir Castor became protective asking why she looked miserable and why her back was hurt.

"What did you do?", he asked the girl.

As she lifted her head she opened her eyes and I was in trance.
Her piercing blue orbs bestowed a tearful look upon Sir Castor and I sucked in a breath.

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