Chapter 39

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Hey lovelies....enjoy like always.

Avery's POV

Flora kept staring at me wide eyed.

"What did you say?" She asked promptly.

"They have a witch, who is going to kill us all." I said still dazed.

"Avery what are you talking about?" Her eyes sockets grew impossibly larger.

"Please I have to talk to the king."

Without another word Flora stormed out of the room and I began to replay the dream in my head. I had no idea where that could have been.

I remembered how I had suggested that Seline might be able to see a picture in my mind, well I supposed they didn't want to try that.

Well 'he' had said they where in Valiria's homeland.

Slowly I let myself fall back into the pillow and cuddled myself deeper into it. I was so tired, I really had believed Evander would kill me, his red eyes still haunted me.


I must have fallen asleep because the clearing of someones throat woke me up.

To my surprise it was the king. His face was controlled, clear of emotion like ussually and I didn't know if he was mad or not.

"I need to know, exaclty what you saw." I was impressed, his voice was monotone just like his face.

"What do you mean what I saw." I asked inocently.

"Flora said you had one if your dreams again and you had said they had a witch who was going to kill us all," still monotone but interlinked with an edginess.

I was about to respond despite my irritation of his forwardness  but then remembered that I was supposed to warn him.

"My dream," I began slowly, trying to speak something that made sense although not much made sense anymore, "it started again where I found myself in the middle of a crowd this time they where all marching through a forest. The leaders were speaking of their plans and again I saw no faces except for a certain witch's face.
She is the one that has a power of paralyzation she said she could paralyze everyone in the castle."

"And you saw her face?" King Lathan asked.

"Yes she had Asian features, they said she was a witch from China." At my words his face grew interested for the first time and he stepped closer.

"Who said where she was from?"

I felt awkward laying in bed and lifted myself to lean against the wall with my back. "The leaders, a man and a women."

"You still don't know where they are?"

I sought for help in my mind, I needed to ask 'him' for permission.

'Please answer me.' I begged. The minutes passed by, it was the first time I had seen the king patiently waiting for my response.

'Please, I'm asking you.' I called inside my mind.

"Gatáki, go ahead tell him."

The king's eyes were trained on my face his dark orbs piercing mine when I looked up to meet his gaze.

"It's Valiria Stanis." I whispered.

From shock to wonder and anger, were the emotions that flickered across the king's face and he was by my side in the matter of a various times, fractioned second.

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