Chapter 67

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Enjoy while it lasts...hint hint! ;-)

Avery's POV

>>I wished the lighting to hold on longer to be able to make out more. 

Suddenly the wind that blew around me seemed to come at me from all sides, it enveloped me in a swirl and in the next instant I felt as it threw me in the air.

The next thing I knew was how I landed softly on the ground.

A shiver ran down my spine, there was magic here, I felt it but where was here? Instead of the lightning and the wind, there was complete silence around me now, it was eerie. 

Faint moonlight shone around me it was enough to see that I was in the midst of a not to dense forest and I was standing between two sets of lager rocks that seemed to go on as some sort of passway.

Nervously I looked around, this time my body followed my brains orders and I was slightly relieved but that still didn't explain why I was here and what was going on.

I walked further down the path and even if the moonlight was faint I could make out that the rocks led a long way yet, so in a fast walk I set off to advance further.

I walked for a longer period of time until suddenly an incoherent noise made me stop.

My hearing ability had gone up much heigher and every noise made me nervous but this one was different.

It was a mix of whirls and small growl's as of a spiraling stream of glitters would make a noise it would sound like this.

It was noticeably darker now but somehow my eyes adjusted to darkness and I was able to see just as much as before and if not more.

The whirl got louder.

The atmosphere changed and a strong wind picked up. Dark clouds clouded the moon and took away the little light I had but still my eyes didn't fail me.

Thunder rumbled in the distance and lightning began to zig zag in the sky far to the east. I felt utterly exposed with now only a few scattered trees around me and a few smaller rocks.

Suddenly cold raindrops hit my face as I looked up to see angry clouds brewing right above me.

Was the storm real or was it all in my dream? I was oddly aware that I was sleeping somewhere in the castle.

It didn't take long before the rain came pouring down and in an instant I was dripping wet, my clothes sagged down on me and the ground became unbelievably slippery.

'Save me.'

The voice came out of nowhere and I yelped loudly.

Sounds of footsteps patching on the wet ground passed me and faded away only to come back from the other end.

Goosebumps crawled over my arms and it wasn't because of the rain. 

Was I not alone here?

'He's dead, he's dead, he's dead.' Despair filled the voice.

'No he lives, he lives, he lives.'

'I killed him, he died, he is dead.'

'He lives.'

'He is dead.'

'I saw him alive.'

'I killed him.'

With each word the voice spoke I felt the sheer panic in the voice it was as if it entered my body and made me feel what it was emitting.

The pain was immense and I squeezed my eyes shut. Even though I was no stranger to pain, the kind that I felt now that was vocalized, was different.

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