Chapter 57

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Elían's POV

What in the world was this douchebag talking about?

First he comes marching into our business like he owns the world and then he thinks he knows what is actually going on. He had loads of power I had to admit and I didn't really want to be on his bad side but the way he acted around Avery made me want to strangle his neck.

He called her Gatáki too?


And now he claimed that I could save her.

'Save her?'

I had wanted to kill her.

Her words came rushing back to me, all her pain laced memories. She wanted to die and now it was my choice if to save her?

I looked at the man who claimed to be her sire. I hadn't know until now that my mother had a half brother. It must be true because the brothers were not denying it, although I would much rather have it not true.

What were we supposed to do with a powerful beast like himself? Created by Dexios, the first witch ever.

Kyros set his scarlet eyes upon mine making me want to hiss my fangs at him.

"What did you just say?", I grit through clenched teeth.

As if pretending I didn't say anything he turned towards Avery and placed his hands on on either side of her head.

I glanced at my father, he looked just as clueless as I did and the brothers didn't seem fazed at all.

Suddenly the silence was interrupted by a pair of footsteps. Athena's face appeared by the doorway way and her eyes fell on the new white haired male.

A flicker of something crossed her eyes that I only knew to describe as lust. I glared at her with mixed emotion I didn't know what to think or feel.

"Wow it almost looks like she saved the world, surrounded by the worlds most lovely and powerful creatures," she sauntered closer to Avery who looked at her through hazed eyes.  "You must be feeling special aren't you?"

Kyros didn't acknowledge her as she stood beside him crowding his personal space.

When Avery didn't make any attempts to answer her she went on.

"What? Was Azalea's magic to much for you?" she caressed her hand over Avery's cheek, "You should have know silly girl, humans are nothing for witches and vampires much less fighting against them."

I couldn't understand how she dared to so vulgarly speak in front of the king, the brothers and much less the fourth brother.

"Elían," my father spoke, "get your woman out of here and most off all teach her some manners."

My first impulse was to argue against saying that it was not my woman, but I second guessed it and knew it wouldn't help the situation. As I walked around the bed I felt a pair of eyes following me and I didn't have to look to know it was Avery who had a haunted look in her eyes.

She was slipping between consciousness and still was capable of directing her azure eyes.

Nonetheless I grabbed her arm and began to drag her away. When we reached the door frame Athena stopped to look back.

I felt as the power rushed through her and in the next instant the door slammed shut.

My fathers head swiveled around and his eyes grew wide and then I saw what he saw.

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