Chapter 10

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Officer Gabe POV

Officer Gabe POV

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(Officer Gabe)

It was the fourth day since Avery had gone missing.
We had absolutely no clues on her whereabouts.
The Young's where in the next room waiting to talk to me and I dreaded the conversation.
Mrs. Young would break into tears when she would hear that it was her daughter's blood that had been found on the phone.

Well she couldn't expect less, whose blood else would it be?

But what bothered me a lot was that her jacket had been so drenched in her own blood too.
Kidnappers didn't normally wound their prey so bad. If they would have wanted her it would have most likely been for rape or something like that.


The creatures that lived so close to us where all to obsessed with blood.
Even though the vampire's living around here didn't take her, chances were that foreign vampire's had come into this territory.
'Mmh but I thought the 'he' was really strict to not let any stranger enter his territory.'

A light knock sounded on the door
"Sir are you ready to take the Young's in now?", my secretary asked me.
" Yes, send them in" I lied to her, well there was no way avoiding Avery's parents.

The couple entered with expectations on their faces. I mentally scowled at them.

"So Officer Gabe is there anything new? " Mr. Young cut straight to the point.

I had told them to not Contact me for two days unless I called them.
"Well" I cleared my throat "I ran the blood identifications and they confirmed that the blood was your daughters" I paused and heard Mrs. Young gasp.

Hastily I continued to not let her talk "So far we have had no indications of what could have happened to her or where she might be."

Dread filled both of their eyes as they looked at each other.
"Do you think she ran away?" Mr. Young asked.

My brows furrowed "Well that would be a question you should be able to answer yourself. On what condition did she leave the house?"

"Well we don't know we weren't home, Layla Jennings her friend
was the last who spoke with her."

"Oh and? " I asked.

"Well Layla claims that she wasn't to happy because....'', Mrs. Young stopped for a moment she looked embarrassed "well Avery's crush had asked Layla out and now she had seemed hurt."

I listened and observed the way she said it. It was normal for teens to react strongly when it came to the one they had feelings for.

"And what do you say is it like her to be running of because of something like that?" I asked again.

"No" they both said in unison.

"Well I doubt that too" I said, I knew Avery and she didn't seem like that, this wasn't a very big town and the Young's had a job with government so they weren't exactly unknown.

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