Chapter 66

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Another one is here again!!
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Avery's POV

I had turned to leave but something urged me to go back. Slowly I turned back around and set my hand at the door handle.

The kiss that was meant for Prince Elían's lips landed on his cheek as he turned his head.
Every so slowly I turned the door knob and quietly slipped outside. I was surprised at how quietly I moved.

With agile legs I went down the stairs and while The Prince and Athena where at the back of the limousine I made my way down to the front.

As I reached the bottom of the stairs, both of their faces swiveled around to meet mine.

I didn't know what my eyes showed but I was certain it was similar to Athena's seething ones.

The Prince's expression was void of emotion and I tried my hardest to avoid it but his eyes burned into mine.

"So you really turned her?" Athena's whisper was not meant to reach my ear but it did anyhow.

I anticipated the prince's response but he stayed quiet and I kept walking toward the dense of the trees.

After leaving Prince Elían and Athena behind me I quickened my pace and swerved of to my left. 

I had better things to do then worry about them, for now anyways.

Once I entered the thick trees I noticed that winter was full in bloom, snow crunched under my feet, snow I hadn't noticed before. But what seemed even more surprising was how the cold wind that seeped through my thin clothes did not affect me.

Vaguely I remembered walking through the same forest only a bit further east when Azalea had brought us to the war scene and everything had been greener then the deepest summer.

'Must have been a magically warded dimension.'

The thought didn't seem foreign or odd, it was what it was.

Much odder was me being the 'thing' I was.

I could feel the power coursing through my body it was physical strength. For once I didn't feel any pain. 

My walk had turned into a run. It felt so good to stretch my legs in the fast pace that I had done so many times before, it felt as if I could go on for ages but as I entered a clearing my feet instinctively stopped.

I turned in a circle and realized it was the clearing where the fight had taken place. It looked much different now when it was covered in snow but it was undoubtedly the same place.

Memories came crashing down on me. This was were it all had begun to go down after giving my body up to Azalea.

I remembered how her power had felt beneath my fingers and yet so unreachable.

I remembered how it had felt as she used that power and it had slashed me enough to repeatedly knock my breath out.

I remembered Valiria and the waves of power, I would have been able to feel now, that she emitted.

An image of the King and how he sliced his sword into Valiria's neck filled my mind. I shuddered it had been then when I had began to die.

Just before the loud boom.

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