Chapter 23

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Avery's POV

I was still staring after The king when I felt Joel release my feet. Instantly I brought my legs together and winced at the cramp that had begin to form. Joel came and uncuffed my left hand and then he went to the right, where he placed another set of cuffs around my wrist.

He hoisted me up on my feet without word and locked my hands together in front of me.

I stood on shaky legs and leaned hard into Joel's  grip on my arm. My body had lost its strength and I also had lost noticeable weight.

Joel led me out of the room and I was worried that prisoners would reach for me again but he took a turn and led me to a set of stairs which took me a while to climb.

Once we came to the top, I stumbled after him into a musty smelling room. He flipped the light switch and I saw it was a shabby bathroom.

The room's walls where made of  stone like the rest of the dungeon; On the wall to my  right I found a rusty shower head with a drain below.

"Get undressed," Joel demanded in an unfriendly manner.

I didn't know where is cheeky grin had gone. I stood there motionless.

"I said get out of your clothes", he said harshly.

I widened my eyes in frustration and nodded towards my cuffs.

Joel sighed heavily and walked behind me. I felt him take my shirt in his hands and tug; a ripping sound filled the air and I yelped and jumped away from him.

"Get away you....", my words were cut off as he grabbed my shoulders and whispered close to my ear,

"I'm sorry but the king is watching, I can't be nice."

I stopped at his words and stared at him.

"Let me at least shower alone" I said in a gruff.

He nodded and went to unlock my cuffs.

I massaged my hurting wrist and waited for him to leave the room for there was was no wall or a shower curtain.

"I can't leave them room", he said sternly.

'You can't or you don't want to? ' I thought irritated.

He turned his back towards me and I realized this was the best I was gonna get.

I peeled off what was left of my shirt and the rest of my clothes. Grime and dirt was stuck to the skin that had been uncovered by fabric. My clothes smelled awful and I had to control myself to not gag.

'No wonder The Kind said I stink'

I shot a quick glance towards Joel to verify that he was not looking. Then I stepped over the drain and reached for the rusty handle to open the water.

I gasped as the pang of icy water hit my chest my already bluish skin turned darker and I shivered.

"Oh shit", I mumbled under my breath and heard Joel chuckle. My head snapped towards him and I sighed in relief to see his back still towards me.

"Is it cold?", he asked with a grin in his voice.

"Yes, do you have soap?", I asked between clattering teeth.

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