Chapter 63

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Hey guys, how are you? Hope you like it!

Ok so last night I dreamed that I made an end to the story very abruptly, I'm not even sure how exactly it happened but it wasn't very good. Should I follow my dream?

Avery's POV

I anticipated the pain and was nonetheless shocked when it came. It started out as the faintest feeling in my legs.

'My legs?'

The thougth swam away as it came higher enveloping my torso but instead getting higher it crawled back again.

Where had all the colors gone?

As the feeling reentered my legs, it became more than just a feeling; it was as if the muscles began to form a cramp.

Suddenly it shot up and attacked my stomach and I felt the need to groan but my voice was as if not there.

Was I even there?

Where was I?

In that instant I felt my consciousness coming back to me. My eyes snapped open and air rushed into my nose down to my lungs and with that came the pain.

Heat enveloped my body and yet I felt my skin cover up in goosebumps.

My sight was groggy and whatever was around me I couldn't recognize, but that was of little matter right now, I needed to focus to get air in and out of my lungs because the burn that crawled higher and higher seemed to suffocate me.

Somewhere I heard voices that were distant and yet much to loud in my sensitive hears and to my distress they came closer and closer.

I mumbled something incoherently.

"Avery, what did you say?" I groaned at the loud voice and would have been tempted to slap its owner on the head.

The pain came in waves. Each time the wave would reach higher and each time my muscles convulsed harder.

It went from my toes up my legs, entering my torso and crawling along my spine.

"Avery please tell me what can I do to ease the pain?", the voice spoke close to my head again and I squealed in anger.

'Shut up that's what you can do.'

The fire reached my chest and I released a half hearted yell, not loud, just enough to voice my pain.

In a way it was relieving to hear myself, it meant I was not prevented from voicing my suffering. It meant no one had control over my body, except the pain of course.

Where did it even come from?

Wasn't I dead?

The sensations of two hands grabbing my waist, cold lips on my neck and a piercing pain in my neck was sent over me.

Yes that's where it all had begun in the forest close to my house.

But wasn't that months ago? I had died, at least twice already and now this? Was it something that happened when somebody died?


A dead person was not capable of hearing voices was he?

"Is this normal?", somebody asked.

'Hell no.'

"Yes in fact it is very good means the venom is taking over, finally." Another voice spoke and I wanted to strangle both of them.

How in the world could this possibly be normal and even good? And what did he mean with the venom is taking over?

'Venom. Bite.'

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