Chapter 42

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Hey guys hold on tight, things are about to get disastrous.

Third person's POV

Everyone in Avery's room had their eyes trained on the prince. What was he saying?

The king was the first one to speak, "What are you talking about?"

Prince Elían stepped forward and breathed, "Valiria Stanis has come with an army of vampires and witches, they look ready for war."

The witches gasped,the brothers stuck their heads together and began to speak rapid greek and the Kings head snapped towards Avery.

Her blue eyes held fear and recognition.

"I was going to tell you, I had a dream just before you came in here, they were close." Averys voice was unstable.

The king stood and stormed towards the door.

"King Lathan," Avery called him. He swiveled around and faced her while she slowly sat up from laying on the floor. "The witch, from China be careful she can paralyze everyone in the castle and Valiria she's after you and the prince." Her eyes flickered towards Elían. "She said you were hers to kill."

King Lathan nodded and flashed away with the brothers on heel. Prince Elían stood in the doorway an intense stare directed at Avery.

"So when will you stand and confirm that you have been spying for Valiria all this time?"

It was the opposite, she had been spying for the king and not the other way around.

He left without giving her a chance to respond. The witches followed suit.


The castle grew into chaos, guards running up and down halls securing places, bringing to safety as many as possible while they still could.

Prince Elían with his enhanced senses since the massacre in New York, had sensed the army from various miles and that gave them time to atleast get some things ready.

Flora got ready and created a barrier that was supposed to prevent the witch to paralyze everyone, Athena and Ivy channeled their powers in sync so they were more powerful and every castle guard carried a protection spell, as did the king and the prince.

The three brothers confirmed they were fine and didn't need to set all hell loose only because their cousin was on the way with an army but the uneasy look on their faces spoke for itself that whatever was going on was not right.

In a way it was good that the group was coming to the castle because it was enveloped in a spell that Azalea once had created so no human eye could see it without allowance of the vampire head, which was the king.

The king alerted the council and soon they were gathered in the conference room debating on what should happen first. Valiria was in no way welcome, she had destroyed her reputation before by attempting to kill Azalea in which she finally had succeeded to their beliefs.

And now showing up with an army was certainly not helping her cause.

They decided that it would be best to try to speak with her first.

As Valiria and her people drew closer, the castle was partially ready for an attack.

Suddenly the Prince confirmed that the group had stopped marching. Everything grew quiet but not for long; a thunderous sound reverberated as a black cloudy wave hit the invisible barrier that Flora had created.

Within seconds a group of vampires stopped in front of the barrier and the middle one carried a bow and arrow, he placed an arrow and pulled the string it was sent airborne before the King had a chance to warn Flora, his ability was to sense dangerous elements.

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