Chapter 46

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Elían's POV

I was still in my fathers office while he had gone to interrogate Avery. I felt uneasy and edgy about it but let it be. I didn't know why I should have it in me to care.

I remembered that I should check up on Flora to see how she was doing.

"What are you thinking about?", a sudden voice filled the room.

"I was thinking about how Flora is doing." I didn't look towards her while I answered Athena's question. I sensed her walking behind me and how her arm came around me as she laid her head on my back.

I didn't move, I just left her there. I was tired and didn't mind her touch right now.
Her hands began to caress my chest and I felt how my muscles contracted under her touch.

"Flora will be fine, she's a little beaten up but she's a strong witch." Her voice purred softly.

"You seem so stressed," she paused and kept her hands moving, "What is going on?"

I turned around to face her and for once her face didn't look sultry or seductive. It looked genuinely concerned.

"Valiria will attack again, she promised it." I needed to talk to someone being alone now would not be good for me.

'As if being with Athena is good for you' the thought nagged at the back if my mind but I pushed it aside.

"Don't worry love," I nearly cringed at her choice of endearment, it hardly fit. "Everything will be fine, I heard how your father ordered the whole vampire army to be on watch and he also has coming many soldiers towards the castle, if Valiria wants to fight, fine but she will loose."

An image of Avery's soft blue eyes flashed before me, whereas Athena's piercing purple irises seemed to watch my every move.

Once again she began to wrap her arms around me this time from the front and as she looked up I saw the desire blazing in her eyes.

It must have resembled my own because as she began to lean in, there where a thousand things I could have done to stop her but as she pressed her lips against mine, I kissed her back.

With inhuman speed she was forcefully pressed against the wall and she let out a pleased noise.

Suddenly I broke off the kiss and stormed out of the office with her hot on my heels.

We had done this before, going to the first guestroom we came across of. We rushed into the bedroom and I slammed the door behind us shut and locked it.

When I turned around, Athena stood there her hair a bit out of place but it only turned me on more because I knew the reason why it was that way; I grabbed her and threw her down onto the bed and she squealed delighted when I slowly stalked towards her.

Avery's POV

I was beginning to relax in my bed after the king had gone away. He wanted to know why I had been in the tower, well it was unlikely for me to say, 'oh you know Azalea needed to help the prince from her sister but her body was not available at the time so she just used mine.'

I still didn't know what had happened while the attack or why it had ended so sudden. I didn't know if the feud was over but an unsettling feeling told me that it was probably not. I couldn't really make sense of the feeling but it was there for sure. Maybe I should have one of my fancy dreams to know what was going on. 

Landis had said my dreams might be an ability but if I only got them by chance then they where of no much use for me. What if I didn't fall asleep but they where planning a new attack right at the moment.

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