Chapter 47

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Enjoy as always;)

Prince Elían's POV

I watched as she squirmed beneath me. I couldn't feel the anger that I expected when I discovered her "dream".

It bothered me more then it angered me, and I had no idea why she had been in so much pain; I could nearly feel it just by tasting her blood.

I glanced down at her pale face pressed against the wall. She had sweat beads on her front again and she seemed shaken and I was sure that this time it wasn't only because I was close to her.
It was because of what she had seen.

'It's still because of me'

The  thought made me smirk a little, but then again I was curious as to why anything I did affected her at all even though I knew that to a human a vampires aura was intimidating.

I remembered how once I had kissed Athena in front of her and she had begun to cry.

'There must be a reason.'

I decided I would not frighten her any longer and backed away a few steps.
She visibly relaxed a notch and released a shaky breath.

Somewhere in my mind I knew I wanted to know exactly how it made her feel and what she was thinking about her 'dream'.

Avery slowly turned around from facing the wall and stepped to the side so she was no longer close to me. I saw the disgust she held in her eyes. 

"You are judging me." I said quietly.

Her eyes shifted uncomfortably between my face and the floor.

"Why?" my question seemed to surprise her.

"Why should I not?"

'Oh she likes to talk back'

I stepped closer and surprised her with a hand on her shoulder, her eyes widened and she tried to get away from me again but my hand stayed glued to her shoulder.

I forced my ability through my hand into her shoulder sending a wave of pinching tingles into it. Her eyes widened in wonder what I was doing and sought to find an answer in mine. Her gaze was penetrating and urgent, the kind I hated to be confronted with.

Instantly my hand took over and I shoved her into the wall, she gasped as she stumbled and nearly fell but caught herself in the last moment.

Once she recovered she threw an irritated glance at me that spoke more then a thousand words and walked towards her bed to let herself down with a huff.

"Get out," she hissed with a raspy voice.

For a moment I was surprised at her bluntness but then I remembered I could not allow her to get feisty so instead of leaving I stepped closer to her bed until my knee hit the mattress, she had by now crawled all the way in. 

She was trapped now by the wall and me and her furrowed brows made it clear that it annoyed her greatly as she watched me carefully.

In a flash I was before her on the bed and she gasped as both of my hands grabbed her shoulders. My pureblood begged me to finish her right there, kill her, and be done with it. My hands where shaking with the force I had to control them not to squeeze her to her death. Her face contorted in pain as my grip on her shoulders intensified.

She must have seen the evil in my eyes because her face became panicked. Her gorgeous blue orbs grew large and her lips parted in shock.

"Please," she squirmed and tried to somehow release the pressure on her shoulders, "stop."

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