Chapter 31

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Hallo always I hope you enjoy!!

Avery's POV

After the Prince left I waited for a while to verify that nobody was around and went to check for the grimoire but to my surprise it was gone.

My heart began beating rapidly.

Where was it? Had they seen it and taken it? But no, I had been close to my bed all the time.

With worry I began turning the thin comforter but I didn't find any big book.

Then it hit me that I didn't even know how it had come there. Maybe the book protected itself? But how?

The whispers must have something to do with it.

I sat on the bed until night had fallen and a steady burn began forming in my stomach. It was really uncomfortable but it had been worse.

I was delighted to find a bottle of water on the nightstand beside the bed; my hand shook of cold while I drank, the water was icy.

After I settled back into the bed the burn seemed to have faded some and I attempted to get warm under the sheets.

>>I was somewhere dark with cold marble floor under my feet and they guided me blindlessly forward, until they stopped in front of a door the door opened and they walked in. It was still dark and the only thing I saw besides dark shadows were shades of darker shadows.

Suddenly a very faint light lit the room and I was standing in front of a large bed. The bed was made of fancy cushions. As my eyes grew used to the dim light my mouth opened in shock and my hand flew towards my mouth to shut the sound it attempted to utter.

My heart got jabbed in many ways, it wrenched and twisted. It took all my might to keep the painful scream inside my soul. A knot formed in my throat and stomach and it grew tighter and tighter, it threatened to rip and if it would rip I'd fall apart and shatter into a thousand pieces.

For what reason I felt this pain I did not know.

But all I knew was that my eyes would start bleeding if I didn't stop seeing what I was currently looking at. I tried to get it out of my head; make my eyes turn away but my body didn't obey.

An enthralled Prince was attending to a seemingly aroused witch.

'Athena' my mind spat.

Her clothes were coming off as they both engaged in a heated kiss.

My breath got stuck somewhere between the atmosphere and my nostrils. What was I doing here? It wasn't just the sight in front of me rather much more the pain that paralyzed my body.

I willed my body to walk away but I had no control whatsoever over my actions; instead of leaving my body carried me around to the side of the bed and my eyes focused on one thing in particular: how the Prince's lips were pressed firmly against a certain witch's mouth.

I shuddered in disgust and tried to close my eyes but once again to no avail.

My teeth clamped together at the effort I was giving to try making my body move and at that sound the Prince looked up and straight into my eye. I was fearing his wrath but his eyes held no recognition.

Instead he quietly climbed out of the bed and went to sit on a sofa that furnished the room. Athena seemed disappointed and pouted.

Suddenly Prince Elían's voice filled the room, "What do you think about the girl?"

Athena scoffed, "What girl?"

He didn't say anything and just kept looking at her.

She flopped down angrily on the bed and sighed loudly.

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