Chapter 50

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Hello, I've been stuck for the last few weeks with writing so I don't really know if the chapters are good but as always, please enjoy!

Avery's POV

I was in awe.

The greenery was compelling my sight and her voice was like a whisper in the back of my mind and yet so clear that I could hear nothing else.

The plants had still been alive all they needed was a little care.

I walked around the circular room admiring the new beauties thinking that someone should have kept them alive.

'Why did you water them Avery?' Azalea's voice was soft it didn't even take me by surprise.

"Because they looked so sad," I responded equally soft.

'They have been like that for years, what made you think watering them would help.' Her voice was sad.

"I don't know I just wanted to water them." I said not even sure why.

'You like nature don't you?' She sounded a lot closer now and a small whiff of air affirmed it.

"Yes, I love nature."

Nobody spoke for a moment, but I enjoyed the silence it was not awkward even if I couldn't see her.

"You do too right?" I asked her.

"Yes dear I am after all a witch of nature, it is my home, where I belong too." The way she uttered the words with such longing made me wonder where she was right then.

"What are you seeing right now?" I wondered.

For a moment I thought she wouldn't respond but then:

'It's all just dark and cold, nothing but moist stone.'

It sounded awful for lack of better word.

Suddenly a thought hit my mind.

"Your journal dates back all the way to the seventeen hundred, how is it possible that you...I mean aren't you locked up in a spell somewhere that..." I trailed off again. "Are you immortal?"

The question was out just like that.

Azalea chuckled slightly. "In a way you could say that, ever since I performed the the vampire spell I stopped aging just like my cousins."

"What does a witch of nature do?" I asked more questions.

'Well for once a witch of nature draws her powers from, well nature. The four elements are our sources like fire, water, air and earth.'

Hearing Azalea talk calmed my inner always there turmoil and relaxed my mind. I loved hearing about her as much as I had liked reading her journal. Maybe her talking was even better.

'There is a fifth one, and that's the spirit, it's the most powerful one. If the spirit is with you, there is not much that can stop you.'

"Then how come you where bewitched by your own sister?" I was curious now.

'Because dear,' she whispered, 'when I created the vampire spell it was the first time and the last time I ever called for that element to come to me. I promised myself never to use it again. For I thought it was beyond my capabilities to try to control something as powerful as the spirit without causing havoc.'

"What about the other witches what kind are they?"

'Well let's take for example Flora, she's a witch of healing, although I can heal too but it is her specialty. For instance if she is faced with an enemy instead of hurting him or killing him she will heal his mind of the anger against her.'

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