Chapter 1.

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In just sixteen minutes my overnight shift will be over. I'm tired and exhausted, my body is not used to being up this late working. Since Allison couldn't take her shift tonight, I decided to fill in for her. It was pretty obvious I would say yes since I didn't really have anything to do tonight and I could definitely use the extra money. But on behalf of earning some more money, I'm very tired. I'm not used to staying up this late working.

The restaurant's atmosphere grew busier as the night drew on, numerous amounts of intoxicated bodies stumbling around the area, shouting across the room for some more beer. I'm responsible enough to know I'm not suppose to drink, but most of the teens here, teens I went to school with didn't seem to care much.

I was busy cleaning up after one of the group of guys table. It was way in the back, thankfully far enough to be away from all the commotion for a second. They had a mess alright. Dropping all their silver wear and trash in separate parts of the black tray I held between my hip and forearm, I took out a clean rag and started clearing out the crumbs so the table could be ready for the next costumers.

I haven't looked at the time but I'm sure it's close to midnight. I'll be out any second now and by the looks of it, I'm ready to start wrapping things up. I heard my name being called shortly after. When I turned around, I saw none other than Claire standing behind the bar's countertop, waving her hand at me and singling me to come over. I gave hee a small nod before turning on my heals after leaving the table spotless. It was then I started walking towards the back. I tried my best to scoot over to her between the sea of people around me. It was then I noticed a rather attractive male appear in the entrance of the restaurant. His smile lit up his face, blue eyes sparkling at me. My lips revealed a shy smile as he began to make his way over. But I grew a little disappointed as he stopped instantly, his vision darting to a spot over my shoulder. I spun to discover what he was intently looking at, a tall boy with dark hair angrily pinned him with his harsh gaze. I didn't recognize him but something about him just spelt get away, no wonder my blue-eyes guy immediately backed off. He headed straight to another table of guys without giving me a second look.

I was left speechless, not knowing what just happened. My instincts told me to just ignore it. Maybe they had a bad history, or the scary guy behind me just hates everybody because I'm pretty sure that gaze was also meant for me.

Walking away in fear towards the back of the countertop where I saw Claire preparing three drinks at the same time, I placed the tray besides where she was on the marble countertop.

"Need some help with that?" I asked walking back to her.

Claire looked at me, without stopping, and smiled. "No, that's okay. I just called you to see if you can give these drinks to the guys in table three?"

My eyes shot wide open as I saw the mysterious looking male from behind take a seat next to another guy with curly brown hair in table three.

"Oh no." I mumbled under my breath, a sudden feeling of fear ran down my body.

I guess I wasn't as quiet as I hoped to be because soon enough I saw Claire stop what she was doing to look up at me. "Is there something wrong?" She asked placing a strand of her hair back behind her left ear.

I quickly shook my head. "Oh, no, everything is fine."

"Are you sure? You looked kinda scared for a moment there? I don't mind doing it, you know? " She asked.

My lips revealed a small smile, reassuring her that it was okay as I grabbed the drinks she had just finished and placed them on a flat tray nearby. "I'm sure."

"Okay, well, I'm going to go take these dirty dishes back in the kitchen and start getting our stuff ready so we can leave." Claire smiled as she took the tray I brought from earlier and began to walk away with it.

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