Chapter 42.

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I could've sworn that was Zayn. But no, it's Avan! This just makes things worse.

He was all beaten up, blood came out from his bottom lip. One of his eyes was surrounded by tints of purple and green, he looked nearly as bad as Zayn does when he gets into a fight.

My mouth opened to say something but was immediately pulled away before I had the chance.

"Who's this, Malik?" The guy gripping my arm spoke. His warm breath reeked the smell of cigarettes as he fanned it onto my face. "Your girlfriend?"

"Let me go." I tried to rip away from his grip.

"She's not my girlfriend!" Avan exclaimed shoving himself forward from the wall but surpassing as another guy pushed him back down.

"Then who is this..." The same guy started, bringing his nasty self closer to cup my cheeks and stare blankly at me. "Beautiful, young lady?"

"I swear if you get any closer--"

"You'll what?" He almost growled before quietly chuckling.

I couldn't stand his behavior. If only he knew the stuff Zayn would do to him? But no, Zayn's not here and I can't keep relying on him to get me out of situations like this. I have to stand up for myself. And this time, for his brother also.

"I'm warning you..." I growled back.This time I managed to escape, looking back at Avan before looking up at all the guys surrounding us.

"Ooo..." That same guy teased sarcastically. "I'm so scared."

"Leave," Avan grinned up at me, long hair falling in front of his bruised face.

I wasn't going to listen. What kind of person would I be if I did? He wants to get out, I know so. But just like his brother, he wants to be tough in front of the others. Only he doesn't understand that sometimes you need some help and you don't have to be tough all the time.

"Now!" He called again.

"No!" I exclaimed in order, hoping he wouldn't object.

"Calm down, beautiful." The guy spoke again, "You heard the kid." This time he tried to grip my hand but I flicked away.

"If you lay one more finger on me," I continued, "I swear I'll go straight to the cops and report you for hurting me."

I ment every word I said.

He stared blankly at me once again, face becoming a little white from the threat I was telling him.

"You can't do that." He scoffed.

"Oh really?" I raised an eyebrow, "And who do you think they're going to believe? You? Or me?

They all stayed quiet, not daring to say another word. I was objected to make them think I will have my way. And I just found their weak point.

"Yo, I think we should leave?" One of the guys told the one I was talking to.

The guy took a while to respond but once he did, I wasn't surprised.

"I'll get you for this." He grinned at Avan before looking back at me. "Later, beautiful."

Slowly, they moved away. I kept my eyes on them just to make sure they weren't going to try and do any funny business. When I knew they were done, I turned back around to face Avan. Only he wasn't there.

I quickly scurried my eyes around the place to see he was already walking the opposite way. He wasn't going to just walk away this time.

"Avan!" I called out racing towards him, "Wait!"

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