Chapter 50.

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I was alone, running down a dark alley.

I remember this place from somewhere. It scared me but I don't know why?

There were dark voices shouting from behind me. I didn't turn around, I was probably terrified.

My heart started to beat like crazy. It was as if I had no control over what was going on.

I came to a stop, head turning around as I searched for a way out. The scene was far too familiar, as if I've been here before.

I had no time left as I felt an arm grab me from behind and turn me around.

My eyes widened, already knowing where I was as the dark eyes in front of me started into mine.


He didn't speak, but I knew right there what he was capable of doing.

It seemed almost possible that he read my thoughts as he put on a straight grin.

"Zayn's not coming." He smiled, "He's dead."

My lungs gasped for air, screaming at the top of my lungs in fear. Zayn? Dead?


I felt a large hand cup over my mouth, eyes shooting wide open. My heart felt as if it was about to beat out of my chest, body not finding control to find a way to keep it still.

"Shh..." A voice tried to calm me down.

"Paige, it's just me." It spoke again. "Zayn."

I stopped. The hand over my mouth loosened its grip just enough for me to break free and turn around.

There he was, wide awake and breathing. I couldn't believe my eyes. What on earth just happened?

"Zayn." I gasped running up to him with my arms wide open.

"Woah?" He raised his hands in the air, looking down at me in a confused manner. "Paige are you okay?"

This was a side affect, I know it is, from the hit I took to my head. I was terrified. It felt as if I was really there. It was only just a dream, nightmare, actually. I can't believe I bought that idea that Zayn was dead. He can't be, he's not. He's here and holding me in his arms.

"Paige, speak to me." His voice worried.

I couldn't help but let a few tears come down my cheek. Not wanting to let go of him.

"Please." He spoke again.

I gained the urge to pull away, drying some wet tears off my cheek with the front side of my hand. I took a few steps back and allowed myself to calm down. Even in the dark I can see his brown eyes shine.

Then I took a moment to recall where I stood.

"W-Where am I?" I uttered looking around at the space around me.

My eyes later dropped to myself, observing what I was wearing. A grey t-shirt, clearly not mine since it was overly too big, and a pair of shorts you could barely see because of the shirt.

Was I sleeping?

"You're safe, okay?" He tried to get closer to me but in a slowly way, almost as if he was afraid to scare me. "We're in my Mum's living room."

I looked back, realizing what he just said was true.

"Was I asleep?" I furrowed my eyebrows.

Zayn nodded his head.

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