Chapter 55.

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We arrived at Zayn's house in the crack of dusk. Neither Harry nor Vanessa's cars were in the driveway which meant they weren't home. This just made things even more quiet to go around with. We stepped in, immediately rushing to get to the shower only this time it wasn't together. Zayn said something about an important phone call so I just let him be. I took my shower, washing my hair and everything to end up stepping into one of his boxers, grey t-shirt, and navy blue shorts I left here before. When I stepped out of the bathroom, I heard the running water come from the bathroom downstairs. It was Zayn. I paid no attention to him whatsoever and continued to go into his room so I can grab my phone.

The first thing I saw when it was unlocked was that there was two missed calls and a voicemail from Kennedy. I didn't hesitate on hearing the message she has left me since she never really does this anyways.

"Hey, Paige, since you don't pick up my calls I'm suspecting you're busy right now. Anyways, I'm on break next week and will just love to go out to lunch with you, say maybe.. Panera? Well, wherever the lunch is just know there's some stuff we have to talk about. Okay so.. call me back whenever you get the chance and we'll see if you'll like to go or not. Bye."

The voice mail ended, the machine asking if I'll like to have it repeated but I hung up and went to start texting her back saying I'll love to go and the time around 12 p.m. which is when I get my lunch break.

I set my phone back down to look up in the mirror placed on the wall of Zayn's room in front of me. It was then I noticed something rather strange lye down in his mattress. My eyebrows furrowed as I turned towards the object, slowly walking up to it to see it was only just a notebook. Actually, it was more of a sketchbook if you ask me.

The feeling of snooping around Zayn's room never came up across my mind. I don't like that but it was right there and I couldn't help but get the urge to do so. I was tempted.

I opened up to see the first page, once in my hands. It was a heavy book for sure. The first picture was of an arm filled with tattoos, all similar to Zayn's; it was his. The next few pages were just a bunch of quotes written on walls similar to the ones we saw in Queens. There were a few more others of the New York Harbor and sceneries from Central Park. They were all amazing, filled with delicate detail and persuasive beauty. I never saw this coming from Zayn. When he said he could draw, I didn't think he'll be this good. The pictures got more simple as my finger flipped through the endless pages. I soon stumbled upon one sketch in particular of what seemed to be the familiar faces of Harry and Vanessa. I was shocked. Even I felt the love Zayn incorporated in the picture. I found the way he made them look at each other so beautiful.

I didn't feel like turning the page but an urge inside me pushed me to do it. Once I did, I couldn't believe what it was.. Me.

I wasn't expecting this. Not at all. It was just a simple drawing, my hair covering small parts of my face. Never have I ever saw myself turned into a drawing before. This was better than I expected and it just all seemed to good to be true. Zayn actually drew me out of everything else in this world. My fingers continued to flip across to some more sketches and I was yet to see more pictures of me.

Me. Me. Me.

All with different techniques, different ways of being drawn were put into each piece of paper. Now, I could just stay here and flip pages for who knows how long, but I just have to talk about this with Zayn. It's beautiful and he's been keeping this all a secret. Not anymore.

The book was closed, feet moving across the carpet floor to get out in the hardwood and step down the stairs. I heard faintly noises of what seemed to be a t.v. turning on. My head poked out from the staircase, eyes focusing on the broad back of the most handsome guy ever. He was now changed into a black t-shirt and black gym shorts with black socks rising halfway below his knee. I don't think no one can ever dress better in black in so many ways other than Zayn. It's mostly everything he wears.

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