Chapter 14.

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He stumbled slightly before turning around to face me. A frown etched for the person calling his name. His eyes instantly locked on me.

One of the guys took his distraction as an opportunity to kick Zayn hard in the stomach. My hand flew up to my mouth in shock. Why was he fighting again? My thoughts jumbled as I ran across the road to the group. They raised him up and pinned him against the wall again where he took another fist to the face. Fear courses through me as I recognized the guy beating up Zayn. Ezra.

His cuts had been healed slightly since the last time I saw him but his eyes were still full of hatred. A smirk crossed his injured features as he watched me sprint up to them.  When I reached them, my arms were roughly tugged behind my back by the man I assumed to be the same one who gripped me last time and I kneed in the balls.

I was forced to watch the desperate look on Zayn's face to fight back as they punched his stomach repeatedly.

"Stop! Leave him alone! Please!" I shouted.

Man, can anyone hear what's going on?

"Stop hurting him!" I shouted back even louder.

Nothing seemed to work. Ezra wouldn't stop for nothing. He enjoyed seeing Zayn in pain, he was probably even happier knowing that he was the cause for it.

"EZRA!" I warned.

Ezra quickly stopped himself from punching Zayn in the stomach one last time, I knew that exact moment I regretted what I said.

He turned away from Zayn, his vision slowly making its way to me.  I couldn't breath, my cautioness heightened as his tall figure stopped in front of me.

"I see Zayn's told you about me." Ezra reached out to brush his fingers against my face, but I quickly winced away.

At that moment, my vision also landed on the sluggish looking body that was still held up on the wall by two of Ezra's strong looking guys. A grunt was forced from his parted lips, his body bent over slightly as he clutched his abdomen.

You could tell he was drinking, the air around them smelled strongly like alcohol.

"Leave her alone, Ezra." Zayn called back, his jaw tensed in anger.

Ezra turned back around to face Zayn who tried his best to keep his eyes open.

"Oooh...I'm so scared." He taunted.

Zayn didn't seem to mind to spit some if his blood onto Ezra's face. He quickly backed away in disgust, all of his guy's attention drew onto him giving me a chance to elbow the guy in the stomach and break free.

I urgently placed myself  in the small gap between Zayn and Ezra who started to approach Zayn in anger.

"Step away from him!" He demanded.

I stood my ground protectively in front of Zayn like he did with me, I wasn't going to move and especially not for Ezra.

A smirk creeped into Ezra's lips as he noticed my defensive actions.

"Ahh...I see what you're doing." He smiled before glancing over my shoulder. "I can't believe you need a girl to protect your ass, Malik."

We both knew this would provoke Zayn. He shoved himself off the wall, stumbling forward to try and get Ezra.

"For God sake, Zayn. Just stop it already!" I forcefully pushed him back, the action more affective when he was intoxicated. His normal sparkly brown eyes looked dull, his beautiful face left injured after taking multiple his.

I spun around, my back nearly touching Zayn's chest as I defensively stood in front of him. My hands trembled at my sides as I looked up at Ezra's smirk.

"Just leave him alone, Ezra. He's had enough of you." I spoke in a stern voice.

I was surprised when Ezra gave his boys a signal and they followed by leaving. My chest rose and fell in fear, fear of having Zayn die out here and me not knowing what to do.

My head tilted up as Ezra's head nudged down slightly to my level, "This isn't over, sweetheart, and you can tell that to Zayn too once he's sober."

I fell back slightly as I watched Ezra disappear along with his boys into the darkness, Zayn's warm breath ticked over my skin. Relief washed through me.

I felt Zayn struggle behind me in anger to catch up to Ezra. My body hastily spun, desperately trying to keep him there. I quickly caught hold of his face with my two hands and angled his vision down at me.

"Look at me, Zayn." I spoke.

My voice became deliberately soft as I attempted to calm him down. His focus stayed fixed on me. Zayn's breathing was still fast but at least I had managed to prevent him from challenging Ezra and getting himself into more trouble.

I caught hold of his chin, tilting it to get a better look at his injuries. Zayn's swollen bottom lip had been split open, blood smeared across his cheek from his nose. The small cut just above his left eyebrow oozed blood. His dark gaze never left my face as I sighed and shook my head.

"Zayn." I whispered. "You have to stop this. Fighting doesn't solve all the world's problems.

He was clearly drunk, finding it tough to stand up straight, "You don't know that."

"Yes, I know that for a fact and I want you to stop this. I never want to see you in this position ever again. Is that clear enough for you?" I defended.

"Sir, yes, sir." He put on a firm voice and a straight face that didn't really last long before he continued laughing and carelessly tipping over.

I caught hold of his arm before he fell and placed ir over my shoulder. He tried his best not to lean much of his weight on me but truthfully I rather have him crush me the have all guys weight on the other side and cause us to tilt over.

"I'll drive." He mumbled.

I noticed Zayn reach behind his back, his long fingers digging around his back pocket before he pulled out his keys.

"No you're not. Don't be stupid, Zayn." I spoke sternly.

His deep chuckle sounded as I struggled to pry the keys from his grasp, here only raised them higher. He saw it as a game. Eventually I succeeded, taking them from Zayn and shoving them in my bag. I found it difficult to steer him in the opposite direction to his car. He huffed at me, reluctantly allowing me to take control.

"Where are we going?" His raspy voice somewhat slurred.

I thought about his question long and hard, but not too long that made him ask me again.

"Back to my place."

He seemed more than happy with this decision.

"But you can't be loud. My Mom's home and I don't think she'll be so thrilled with me bringing in a drunk guy to my bedroom in the middle of the night." I informed, making it clear that he doesn't speak a word once he walks through the front door. I think I've had enough drama for one night.

"So you're seeking me in?" He laughed.

"I have to. So just go along with it." I responded.

He nodded his head in agreement, I only pray he's capable of doing what he says he would.

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