Chapter 24.

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I couldn't believe what Zayn just asked me. He hasn't seen his Mom in who knows how long. So why does he want to go see her, and why, with me?

"Your Mom?"

It took Zayn a while to reply, I noticed he didn't know what he's just done.

"Yeah, why not?" He smiled.

"It's just that," I didn't know how to put it, "You said the other night you haven't seen her in a while. I just don't want you to think that you have to see her because of me."

Zayn chuckled, his large hand came up to place back a strand of hair behind my ear. "Actually, after I talked to you that night, I called her and I noticed that I've been closer to get than ever. It was all thanks to you, Paige. And now she wants to meet you."

"You talked to her about me?" I asked.

I never knew I would come up in a conversation between Zayn and his Mom. I wasn't even sure either one of them would come up in their conversations or if they would even have another conversation.

"Yeah." He smiled, "And it's all she's been talking about, everyday I call her."

A smile curved into my lips. I wasn't sure if it was because I was happy Zayn regained connection with his Mom after a long time, or if I was nervous his Mom wanted to meet me. Why me?

"A-And she wants to meet me ?" I made sure I want just dreaming this.

"Yeah," He chuckled, "So...?"

I didn't have to hesitate on answering his question.

"I'd love that." I paused.

I started to smile as he leaned in  forward. Thoughts started to play on in my mind towards the offer. What would I say? What would I wear? What I'm I going to see?

I've never been to Queens. I was never really that interested in leaving Manhattan. I always thought about staying right where I am. But now I'm going to go to Queens, a town I never expected to ever be in. I'm not sure what to think? Or even what my Mom would say?

"On one condition."

Zayn stopped, waiting for me to answer as he moved back.

"You have to go back down there and talk to your friends. They're worried about you, Zayn."

Ever since I met Louis, Zayn's been acting like a jerk with them. I don't know why but he's lucky he still has them. Maybe he doesn't want to be mean but who could understand what goes on in his head? I'm still trying to find out why myself and I'm sure I'm ni where near close. But I can try.

"No." He retorted.

"No?" I was surprised.

"I don't want to talk to them." He looked back down in front of him.

I stood up, I want going to let him get what he wants this time.

"That's exactly what you said to me when I walked in." His head raised to acknowledge my comment. "Zayn, you have to give people a chance."

He tried to look away but I didn't let him. My hands gently cupped his cheeks to bring his vision back to me. I was surprised at how badly bruised the left side of his face was even after I tried my best to fix it. I lost my complete concentration in his light brown orbs causing me to stop what I was doing and just look.

His muscles relaxed at my touch, we stood in a moment of silence before he shook his head. I felt his touch soon come up to my hands and move them away. He still didn't let go of my hold as he laced out fingers together and stood up.

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