Chapter 33.

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The day has finally came where Zayn and I go to Queens. If it was my choice, we would've left early in the morning. But sadly that couldn't be done because both Zayn and I had to work. Surprisingly, it wasn't half bad today at Charlie's, yet again, it hasn't been for the past few weeks.

Zayn really hit it off with my Dad since that night he came. They don't have to say it but I know both of them already respect each other and a lot. I can even tell Zayn got as close as he ever did to having a father than ever. I was happy for him. Even my Mom met Zayn the next morning, she also feel in love with him. Now all that's left is meeting his Mom.

I was beyond nervous at this point. My eyes never left contact with clock up on wall. I wonder if this is how Zayn felt when meeting my parents?

"Paige!" I heard my name being called out from the kitchen.

I spun around to see Eddie making his way up to me. I already knew what he was going to say, it has become quite common now a days for him to dismiss me early from my shift. He didn't have to say anything, I already knew what he was going to say. He even had a look when he was about to speak.

"Well..." He sighed.

"I know." I smiled.

Eddie smiled crossing his arms across his chest, "I don't know what's been going on here, lately. It's usually packed?"

"I'm sure it's nothing." I smiled as I finished cleaning up my last table of the afternoon.

"I hope so." He sighed again.

I picked up the tray and noticed the look on his face, something else was bothering him and I'm sure it doesn't have to do with the restaurant.

"Paige? Can I ask you something?" He asked.

"Sure? Is everything okay?" I asked giving him a worried look.

"It's Nathan."

He didn't even have to finish his question before I started to give him a look of anger.

"It's just that, no one's seen him lately and he hasn't been showing up to work either. I tried calling but no one answers. All I want to know is if you've heard or seen him lately?"

I was completely unaware of what Eddie was telling me but I couldn't help but feel worried about him. Yes, he hurt me; but he's one of those people you just can't let go of because we've gone through so much. This was all my fault.

"Sorry, Eddie. We haven't been talking lately either." I replied completely guilty.

"Oh. Is everything okay between you two?" He wondered.

"Just a few disagreements, that's all." I tried to smile.

"Alright." His look was uncertain but he let it go, gently patting my back, "Well if you need to talk to me or if you heard something new about the lad, just go to my office."

"I will, thanks, Eddie." I smiled.

He stopped in his tracks, taking a chance to quickly turn around to look at me once again, "Remember to clean up before leaving."


Eddie was gone moments later, making me hurry to get things done. There was about five people in the small restaurant, finishing their lunch so there wasn't really much to do before I leave.

As i dropped the tray in the dirty dishes, I felt my phone buzz in my back pocket. I immediately reached for it and unlocked the screen to see it was a text from Zayn saying he was on his way. A smile approached the corners of my lips as I replied to him saying okay. This was it, in a matter of seconds I'd be seeing a whole different side of Zayn. A side no girl of his has ever seen before.

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