Chapter 5.

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It's been hours since I've been standing here at Charlie's doing nothing but work. Though I have to admit, it was a pretty busy night for us even if I was back in my regular shift. Everyone wasn't as drunk as they were when I stayed here to cover for Allison. I was finally back to my normal state of mind, just a couple of young adults having a quick drink then a long chat before leaving.

The only bad thing about tonight is that I was alone. Allison and Claire enter their shift once mine is over and I'm already out the door, Ariana doesn't even work here, the other waiters are much more older than I am, and the one and only person who I'm really close to in age and friendship took the week off to visit his grandmother in Philadelphia. Nathan. 

But none of that matters because the only thing that's been stuck in my mind is the text Zayn sent me last night. I know it had to be him, who else could it be? But the main question I could ask myself is how did he get my number and how did he see me? I was extra cautious when I was hiding from him. Things just don't seem to add up, it's just confusing me even more than I am.

"Paige!" Eddie shouted over the blasting music, trying to get my attention. Eddie is my boss and he can become quite scary a times.

My head jolted up in alert, eyes making contact with Eddie's from afar.

His finger pointed to a table which was a few feet away from him. The wooden surface was covered in half-eaten plates and empty cups. It was a disgusting slob I was positive was left behind by a bunch of guys and I had to be the one to clean it up.

I mentally sighed as I nodded my head and began to make my way up to the table.

My hands were quick to work my way around the table, picking up every object on it and placing it on the small black tray.

"Hello, beautiful." A deep and deep voice spoke behind me making me stand up straight, eyes shot wide open. I knew that voice no matter where. Zayn.

My body swiftly turned around once I felt a warm hand rest on my waist. Heart began to race, throat became dry as I noticed Zayn was dangerously close to me. His dark gaze was locked on me, a playful grin began to grow on his pink, heart shaped lips.

My eyes nervously trailed up and down his figure. A black long sleeve shirt hugged his torso tightly showing off his bold body figure, the sleeves where pushed up to his elbows. Black jeans clung perfectly below his waist and black boots covered his feet.

I was yet to meet his eyes once more when he began to speak.

"Did you really think I wouldn't see you here in the back?" He taunted.

Fear lashed out through my veins as the flashback of last night's story floated to the front of my mind. Goosebumps began to form as I shuddered to speak any further words.

"I like how you think.." He smirked.

"What are you doing here?" I finally asked. My eyes locked on his in an angry but terrifying face.

"Can't a guy just come get a drink and see his girl?" A chuckle fell from his mouth as I pushed him off.

"I'm not your girl." I scoffed very aggravated.

My statement just made him start to laugh. I continued to ignore his player ways and turned back around towards the table to pick up the tray. A large hand gripped my arm before I could proceed any action and turned me back around,my small figure crashed into Zayn's.

"And what makes you think that?" He spoke as his laughter stopped and he began to gently crease my left cheek with his thumb. I had to admit that I became mesmerized by his soothing touch. My eyes couldn't help but flutter close as he continued his actions.

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