Chapter 56.

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"I'm going with him." I turned around to face Kennedy.

The worry in her eyes was clear she didn't want me to. But I'm not a baby anymore and she needs to understand that.

"Not alone your not." She nodded her head, turning to Liam and politely asking, "Excuse me but do think there's room for one more?"

Liam looked back and nodded. "Hop in!"

Kennedy and I immediately swung the car's door open, me taking the front and her taking the back. We strapped on and before we knew it, Liam started driving.

Worry washed through my body just at the thoughts of what stupid thing Liam could be talking about that Zayn's doing. Why would he, anyways? I hope he just isn't going to fight, that's all I can think of right now.

Liam raced us out of what seemed to be town itself. I was worried what Zayn would be doing here. One thing's for sure, it was private enough to get away with murder. No, but he wouldn't do that. I know he's better than that and I'm only going to put more worry on top of the one I already have.

I looked back at Liam. He kept his foot accelerating on the pedal, I thought he was never going to slow down and that just finished my nerves to the point where I'm starting to shake.

"Liam?" I gently shook his shoulder.

Kennedy looked at me and I looked back at her, holding contact for a while until I decided to try again.

"Liam? Slow down!" I exclaimed looking onto the road ahead of us.

He finally snapped out, showing down to look back at me. "Oh, I'm sorry."

"Are you okay?" I asked looking at him very concerned.

He woke himself up, shuffling his body in a better position on the car seat. "Yeah, yeah, I'm fine."

"I can take the wheel if you want?" Kennedy offered, also moving forward to sit between the two chairs Liam and I were occupying.

"No, I'm okay, really." He nodded his head looking back at us. "It's just.. Zayn has an insane mind, you know what I'm talking about, Paige."

"What does he mean he has an insane mind?" Kennedy asked, mainly looking at me.

"I mean like, he wants things done a certain way. His way. And he'll do anything to get that." Liam answered, speeding back the car again. "This morning, we were all working. He got a call before we left and he didn't seem so happy. I think it was that Ezra guy, no one makes him angrier."

Ezra. I knew it. It's always him who makes Zayn turn this way. Turn into something he's not.

Liam drove faster. This time, I allowed him. I was just as angry and wanted to get there as soon as possible.

"What do you think he might be doing?" Kennedy asked referring to both of us.

Lord I hope it's not a fight. I would tell her, I really would, but I'm afraid she might not see Zayn as a good influence and maybe change our parents minds. I know it sounds nothing like Kennedy but I'm only speaking in the lowest standards here.

"Well, Zayn didn't leave our job.. In his car.." He continued.

I looked at him in the most confused face ever. "What do you mean?"

"I mean, he took one of the cars he was working on. You know.. to go back street racing?"

"What's that?" I asked furrowing my eyebrows.

"It's dangerous.." Liam continued.

"And illegal!" Kennedy finished off, looking at me as if what Zayn was about to do was something completely abnormal coming from him. "Paige, this is nothing like him? He seemed so nice that night during dinner?"

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