Chapter 10.

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My stomach felt fully bloated from all the pizza Zayn made me eat in the past hour and a half. No matter how many times I told him I wasn't hungry anymore, he said I was lying and I needed to finish it. At least the pizza was good.

We finished our drinks and left the tray in the center of the table empty. Just as Zayn took out his wallet to pay, Louis came by for his last trip of the night to clear out our plates and utensils. Zayn was the first one to stand up from his chair, not bothering to push it back in.

"Wait here." He spoke looking at me straight in the eyes.

My teeth got hold of my bottom lip as I gently nodded my head in agreement. Once he passed by me, I stood up and pushed my chair in, quickly making my way over to push in Zayn's.

"Oh, that's okay." Louis smiled as he pushed it in before I could.

"Thank you." I smiled as I watched him clean up.

Being the OCD person I am, I decided to help him put the plates away in the tray.

"That's okay, Paige, you don't have to that." He said trying to stop me from picking up my glass cup.

"I want to." I smiled looking up at him and continuing to clear the surface.

I heard Louis softly chuckle as he looked down at the table,"You know,you're definitely the last person I'd ever think of that Zayn would go after."

My attention was suddenly drawn back to Louis with a confused look on my face. Louis looked up and laughed at the sight of my expression.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean..." He continued, "He's never brought a girl to dinner, at least not that I know of. Zayn mostly goes for girls who are pure cold hearted. You, well you're sweet. And you're also really" He joked.

I playfully rolled my eyes and laughed along with his joke while putting away the plates on the black tray. "Umm..Thanks?"

"No problem." He chuckled.

Feeling the quietness grow longer between us,I began to build up enough courage to ask Louis something I noticed from the beginning of the night.

"Um...Louis?"I continued.


"Why do let Zayn tell you all those mean stuff?"I asked.

Louis only laughed at my question, he seems to be a very laughable guy.

  "It's not like means it. I know Zayn and that's just how he's been acting for as long as I could remember. Trust me, he's a really good guy and he's not the bad guy everyone says he is." He replied.

I realized that what Louis was saying was true once the flashback of Zayn beating up Ezra for trying to hurt me floated back to the front of my brain.

"So then why does he always act like such a...Jerk?" I asked once again.

"I don't know, Zayn's just a confusing and mysterious guy. That's why I was confused when I saw you walk in with him. Actually, I'd be confused if I saw him bring any girl to dinner." He replied.


Louis nodded, "I can tell you're going to be something special to him."

I didn't know what to say next. What could I say anyways? I don't think I'm anywhere close to meaning anything to anyone in that way. Especially if that someone is Zayn.

Louis and I finished clearing the table without speaking another word until we heard the sound of the front door open and Zayn walk through it. He immediately walked up to us with a confused expression on his face.

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