Chapter 66.

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We made it to Queens, jumping off the car to see the huge glass windows from Zayn's Mom's window being covered up by large pieces of wood nailed in from the inside. That just brought more memories back from that night of the shooting...

Other than that, the place looked the same.

"Ready?" Zayn asked.

I nodded my head, soon to have my hand gripped into his as he walked us up the small steps.

Zayn took in a deep breath, gently knocking on the door before waiting for an answer.

We didn't have to take long. The door swung open in a matter of seconds. Behind it, stood the one and only, Tess.

"Zayn!" She exclaimed, eyes widened as she quickly embraced him.

I stood back to give them their space while looking back out into the street and smiling. Before I even thought about looking back, Zayn's Mom already had me wrapped up in her embrace.

"Paige! Oh my God, I can't believe it's really you!" She smiled over my shoulder.

"It's so nice to see you too, Tess." I smiled, returning her hug.

She pulled away shortly, admiring us for quite a long time.

"It's so good to see you." She smiled but quickly rediverted back to a confused look. "But.. I had no idea you guys were coming? I could've gone grocery shopping?"

"It's okay, Mum." Zayn smiled and his Mom furrowed her eyebrows. "We're just here to--"

"Honey, I know this is the right place." A voice spoke from behind.

I turned around, noticing my parents coming up the front porch of Tess's house.

"Oh, hello there?" Tess continued.

I was about to introduce them when Mom stepped in.

"Oh, hi, sorry; I'm Amy Hoffer." She smiled, turning to Dad who was right besides her. "And this is my husband, Roger Hoffer." She paused. "Paige is our daughter."

Tess's eyes immediately shines, opening the door wider for us to come on. "Oh right, of course!" She held a hand out to shake my parents. "Hi, I'm Tess. So lovely to finally meet you. Please, come in."

"Actually," Mom paused. "My daughter was following right behind us and--"

"Finally!" Another voice exclaimed from behind my parents. They moved in opposite directions just enough for us to see Kennedy walking up the steps. "I seriously cannot drive in Queens!"

Tess smiled patiently. "Hello there."

"Oh, sorry." She moved closer. "Hi, I'm Kennedy. Paige's older sister."

"Pleasure to meet you." Tess smiled shaking her hand, "I'm Zayn's Mum, Tess."

I looked back at Zayn who's eyes were beginning to widen. "Okay then.. Now that that's settled..."

"Right." His Mom stepped aside, "Come in, come in."

One by one, we entered, coming to a stop right behind the door. Tess closed or and turned back to us.

My parents and sister looked around in admiration but gave the windows a curious look. They know what happened. Turns out that Kennedy told them everything.

"So, what's the occasion?" She smiled.

I turned to Zayn who smiled down at his Mom.

"Mum, you're moving." He stated.

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