Chapter 28.

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I can't remember all the events from yesterday but I know that Zayn and I spent the entire night talking. It was nice, it even made me forget for a second about what I wanted to do. We had meaningful conversations and they weren't all about our families, as a matter of fact, Zayn was always pushing his side of the family away. I didn't understand why, but I'm guessing it's because he's having a hard time dealing with his father and stuff.

On the other hand, he had a point against mine. I'm going to talk to him, tell him how I feel just like I did to Zayn. It really helped a lot. I'm starting to think things are now getting better since we opened up to each other. I was never expecting this.

But anyways, we slept at around quarter to 3 which was completely horrible due to the idea that I had to wake up early to come to work.

Ugh. Now I have to deal with all the hatred from Nathan when he comes in for work. Only, he never did.

My shift at Charlie's seemed to have passed by quickly. It was a slow day today, and Eddie even let me out early from my shift.

This day couldn't get better.

"Paige!" I heard my name being called out from behind as I walked towards the front door, just about to leave.

"There's a phone call for you!" One of the chefs said holding up and old cable phone. "Says he knows you."

I gave him a confused look as my feet urgently walked up to him, curious to find out who it was.

My instincts told me it might be Zayn, but why would he call he at work? Maybe he just wants to make me smile, after all, I did admit to him last night that when a guy calls a girl at work just to find out how she's doing is really cute and an excellent time consumer.

"Thanks, Hal." I smiled taking the phone from his hand.

I waited for Hal to be a good distance away so I could start talking. Holding the phone up to my ear, I happily answered. "Hello?"

"So I see you're happy." A deep and raspy voice.

My mood took a sudden turn as I noticed it was no where near Zayn's voice. "Who is this?"

"Doesn't matter. I heard you'll be going to Queens with your little boyfriend?"

"Seriously, whoever this is, stop it!"

I begged, heart seemed to skip a beat as his words got deeper. Who could this be and how does he know about Queens?

"Too late. All I'm saying is that you better watch out, beautiful. Queens can be a very scary place if you go to the bad parts where I'm sure Zayn's going to take you." His voice sounded robotic, almost as if it was those people who smoked too much and ended up with that whole in their throat. I was terrified.

"Who are you and why are you doing this?!" I exclaimed, slowly moving my body around to see if there was anyone watching me.

I turned back around to notice a pen and a yellow notepad I left earlier from taking orders around the restaurant.

I was fast to hold the phone between my cheek and my shoulder as I grabbed the notepad and pen and immediately started writing down the number on the small green screen from the phone.

"Why, I'm your worst nightmare, honey."

My body fleshed with both great and anger. If I tell this to Zayn, he'll immediately freak. I can't tell this to him now. It's too important to keep this to myself and away from Zayn who might get out into jail again.

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