Chapter 43.

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"Avan." Tess finally broke silence, "What a wonderful surprise."

Avan didn't seem happy of what he walked into. I didn't think my talk with him would actually cause him to come. I was hoping he would open up, but it's still shocking. At least to me because I don't really know him.

"We're so glad you could join us." She smiled starting to walk up to him with her arms open. He took a step back before she came too close, as if he was mad at her.

"Actually," He looked at us with his his eyes now turning black. "I think I should get going."

"But you just got here?" Tess looked at him with hopes of him changing his mind to stay.

Avan didn't look so welcoming. He wanted to leave more than anything right now.

We watched as he swiftly turned around, pulling the front door open but suddenly stopping. A call that filled the kitchen in complete awkward silence.

"Avan, wait." Zayn breadth out in not as much enthusiasm from behind me.

Avan remained stiff, head raising to look out in front of him and outside the door frame. It was as if he didn't want to look at us.

I looked up at Zayn, as so did his Mom. We were all waiting to see what he had to say next.

"I have to talk to you."

Avan chuckled, turning around to look at Zayn. "We have nothing to talk about." He turned to me as if he was going to tell Zayn about what happened earlier this afternoon.

I think it's best if I just leave with Tess and leave then solve their problems. That's exactly what I did.

Walking up to Tess, I grabbed her hand and tugged her up towards the stairs. "Come on, I think we should leave them alone."

"But I can't leave them like this." She begged looking back at her two sons.

"They'll be fine, they're just going to talk." I comforted her.

Hopefully I ment what I said.


The second Paige left with my Mum, I got straight down to business.

"There, you have me?" Avan joked, "So could you hurry up? I kinda have a girl I'm going to be meeting in a few minutes?"

I looked at him and studied his face. Suddenly realizing something else.

"Are you serious?" I questioned the makeup stains on his left eye. He was in a fight, I know so. Even I tried that in some point in my life. I know all the tricks there is in the book and if he's planning to not go through what I went, then her better stop with this nonsense.

He looked away a bit guilty for being caught.

"Who were you fighting with?" I growled.

"No one you care about." He looked down.

My body stiffened, holding back to punch I wanted to plant onto his face. Maybe that will give him the wake up call he deserves.

"Why is it always like that for you?" My voice ranged in anger, "That I never care for you or Mum or anybody, as a matter of fact?"

"Because it's true! You manipulate them the way you manipulated me. I'm not blind, Zayn!" He yelled back slamming the front door closed.

"No it's not! I'm trying to tell you I've changed!" My voice got louder as I fisted my fists in front of me, almost begging him to see that the guy that came here before is gone. "So just tell me, Avan." I relaxed, "Who were you fighting with?"

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