Chapter 64.

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I did miss us. A lot! But I never had say in that because it was him who I guess put us on hold. Then again, he was drinking and I should've told him first. He was making an effort to change.. I couldn't lose another man in my life.

We remained in a long embrace, my tears slowing down with his comfort. It's been a while since I longed for this moment. Not exactly as it right now with everything that happened but this.

"You were very brave out there." He whispered with a small smile I imagined was growing on his face.

"Sure I was." I denied.

"No, you really were." He defended while backing away from our hug so he can look down at me. He was very serious this time. "I'm proud of you."

My heart lightened at the sound of his words. He's proud of me? I mean, I wasn't really thinking of being brave. I just wanted to get out of there and that's all I really tried to do.

"And Paige?" He paused. "I'm really sorry about.. You know.. Nathan."

I looked down and bit my lower lip, remembering his last few words. Nathan was a great guy, too bad his parents never saw that in him. They were never right, always drunk. He had a bad life. The only good thing in it was his grandmother. I'll miss him. What he did was unforgettable. He will be loved.

"Me too." I nodded looking up at him.

His hand rose to my cheek, drying off my wet tears and slowly leaning in when..

"There he is!"

I pulled away from Zayn, noticing that he saw this coming sometime soon. An old, grumpy nurse pointing right at us, actually him, with two cops behind her.

"Shit." Zayn mumbled under his breath as they moved towards him in a running manner. He stepped in front of me, almost like a shield, and took a deep breath.

"Zayn, what did you--"

The lady and the cops reached us right before I could finish, the two cops forcefully acting upon Zayn to handcuff him.

"You see!" She pointed out at Zayn who was wincing from the pain. "I knew this kid got out!"

"Hey stop it!" I exclaimed moving towards the scene. "He's hurt!"

Another fight was about to go down but this time with me and those cops if I had the chance but it wasn't until another few figures came rushing out.

"Hey, hey, hey!" He stepped in to make everyone quiet down. "What's going on here?"

"Dad." I sighed in relief. My Dad could solve this.

"Sir, this patient has been ordered to stay in his room until further court decision is assigned." One cop explained.

"Well that won't be a problem, officer. This young man is innocent. He is sentenced to go home." Dad looked at them strictly, the way a military solider should be.

They looked back down at Zayn, not so proud of having to do what they did but releasing him from the handcuffs. I quickly moved in to hug him again, backing away once he winced again but being brought back in when he said it was okay. The officers apologized before taking the grumpy nurse who was already complaining, away.

"Are you kids alright?" Dad asked shortly after.

I nodded before looking back up at Zayn who looked really appreciative. "Thank you, sir."

Dad nodded his head before I stepped in.

"Wait, so.. What happened at the court?"

Dad sighed. "Well, it wasn't easy but your friends managed to make things clear with what happened. Uh.. That Ezra guy and his little team.. Yeah, they were sentenced to 20 years in prison from murder, abuse, and many more crimes. Don't worry, he'll be out of your lives for good because tomorrow they're transporting him to L.A.'s biggest jail."

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