Chapter 59.

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Zayn's Dad is sitting right in front of me. I know it's him, they look exactly alike. But what was he doing here? Does Zayn know about this?

Oh no, the questions in my head are just going all over the place. What am I going to do?


I flashed back to reality, bringing my lips back to a smile as I looked back down at them. "Oh. Sorry."

My eyes dropped back to look at the lady still looking at the menu in front of her. Who is she? I hope that's not another woman. Just imagine how Zayn will feel.

"What was your order?" I asked again.

"I'll just take a glass of your best wine." He smiled, closing the menu flat to the table in front of him. He turned back to the lady but a ringing noise interrupted her from saying her order. He furrowed his eyebrows when she pulled out her phone and looked at the screen.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I have to take this." She excused herself by placing the napkin from her lap on the table and grabbing her stuff to walk outside. "Order anything you want." She smiled.

He remained smiling at her until she left. I didn't know what to do. I mean, this is Zayn's father for crying out loud. The man who made him feel like he was nothing special, the man who made him forget the true happiness in life and family.

"She'll just take the same thing I'm having." He smiled at me.

I couldn't smile back no matter how much I tried for the sake of my job and to not try and let him notice something peculiar.

"Is something wrong?" He asked growing a little suspicious.

I looked back at the woman standing outside, sighing before looking back at him. "Can I take a seat?"

He was bewildered towards my question, giving me an odd look before nodding his head. "Uh, sure?"

"Thanks." I put down my notepad and took a seat, quickly looking back at him.

I bit down on my lip, hard. What was I doing!

"I know this might sound very creepy right now but.." I held eye contact with him. "Are you.. Mr. Malik?"

"Ah.. I see you're familiar with my work." He smiled.

I felt bad for having to burst his bubble but I really want here to talk to him about his work. "Sorry sir, but I'm actually here to talk to you about your son. Zayn? Zayn Malik?"

Oh I hoped this was the right guy because if he tells me he has no idea who I'm talking about I'll feel really embarrassed to the point I have to give him a free meal.

His eyes widened by the sound of Zayn's name. I knew right there I got the right guy.

"Zayn?" He breathed out. "Y-You know my son?"

"Actually, he's my boyfriend." I softly spoke.

This just made the look on his face grow wider.

"I- I.." He looked at me and furrowed his eyebrows, a smile starting to slowly fade away. "Wait? How did you even know it was me? I haven't seen my son since.."

"He was 16." We finished off together.

He looked guilty as the memories came back to the front of his brain.

"Your ring." I pointed down, "He told me all about it."

Zayn's Dad remained looking down at the ring in his finger. You can tell  he never took it off.

I soon remembered the similar object I had and figured it was a good time to take it out.

"He gave me this when he took me to Queens to meet his Mom." I looked down at the silver hoop which he too seemed to notice. "It's just like the one you gave them."

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