Chapter 65.

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"Do you like this one?"

Zayn's attention darted back to me, setting his phone down by the side of him on the duvet. I had asked him to come up and help me pick out a decent enough oufit since he already came dressed up in his black dress shirt with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows and black pants. It was also better than waiting down in the living room with my parents who I'm sure will be making an awkward conversation with him about stuff they're not suppose to know. But hey, those are my parents for you. Though today everyone is acting a bit more calm..

"That one's nice." Zayn nodded at the strapless black dress.

"You've said that about all four." I huffed.

"That's because you'll look beautiful in all of them."

His answer made me question whether his Mom had trained him to be prepared for these kind of dangerous situations like this where a few simple words could mean a matter of life or death for a man. Or maybe just having to sleep on the sofa. My unconvinced expression forced Zayn to sit forward, going back to make a different choice.

"What about that one?" He pointed to the high-low dress hung up on the outside of my closet.

Boys are so oblivious. I wanted him to pick one, but not that one. Judging by the confident look on his face that read what he chose was fine, I could tell he needed some help. I raised the hanger a little higher giving him a small smile as I wiggled it slightly. The dress fluttered with the movement, the confused look on Zayn's face appearing.

"It's a funeral, Zayn." I spoke disbelievingly. I'm never going to find something to wear. "It has to look formal.. Not like your taking a trip to the beach."

He smiled as he stood up from the bed, walking towards me in a manner that made me have to walk backwards.

"Then why was it up as one of your options in the first place?" He smirked once I hit my back on the door of my closet. His hand rose shortly to trap me in place just above my head on the wall I was leaning against in. His lips made contact with my ear, a place where it wasn't intended to end up in before I turned my head.

A smile crossed my lips as he perused kissing my neck. Slowly, he slipped the sleeve of my tank top down and started pecking more kisses to it. At this point, I couldn't help but laugh.

"Zayn!" I giggled, bringing my palms to rest over his chest as I tried to move him away. "Stop, that tickles!"

"That's just going to make me wanna kiss you more." He chuckled between kisses.

"Zayn!" I begged again, laughing as I fisted the fabric of his blazer in my hand.

This time, he didn't fight back, moving just enough to look back at the options but still keep me close by.

"How about that one?" He asked looking at the muscle cut black dress in the middle in which the hem fell down to my mid thighs. This was perfect, it was both simple and formal.

"Good choice, Malik." I chuckled.

He smiled back, nodding his head in a way of being proud of his decision.

I swiveled around his hold, walking over to it in admiration. Just the look of the dress and then remembering that this is Nathan's funeral we're going to really scares me.

"Is something wrong?" I heard Zayn's voice speak from behind.

I shook my head, drying my tears and pulling the dress off the hanger. "Everything is fine." I forced myself to smile as I turned around. "It's just.."

I couldn't seem to speak any further. The look on Zayn's face has brought me to tears. Well, almost.

His arms swayed around me, hugging me tightly before I released myself from him.

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