Chapter 15.

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The walk back to my flat wasn't so easy. It consisted Zayn tripping down the road and trying to get his hands in my pants. My reluctance towards his gestures only encouraged him to continue doing it.

I sighed in relief as we approached my front door. Zayn leant against the door frame, grinning at me as I unlocked it. I caught hold of his wrist and tugged him inside. Thoughts of what my neighbors could possibly say if they saw us.

I wrapped Zayn's arm around my shoulders as I helped him up by the waist. We continued to go up the stairs, which thankfully, was easier then I thought. He was really quiet, thank God.

I led him to my room and released his body onto my mattress once we entered. I turned on the lamp and set my phone on the nightstand right next to him. Once I slipped off my denim jacket I placed it on my bed next to Zayn and then decided to go get a first aid kit to clean him up and a glass of water to help control all the alcohol he already consumed. Rapidly, I swiftly walked back towards the open door, "Stay here." I told him and gently closed the door.

When I returned, his t-shirt laid across the floor. I watched as he looked down at his phone between his legs and fiddled through the keyboard. When he noticed me in the doorway he looked up and set the phone on the nightstand.

"Hi." He smirked.

"Hi." I shyly smiled at his childlike behavior.

The cuts and bruises that were printed onto his face only reminded me that he needed to be healed and quickly. I must not go along with his actions.

I walked up to him, "Drink this." I spoke handing him the glass of cold water.

"Do I have to?" He whined

"Yes, you do. It's going to relax you, you'll see."

"I know a way you could get me to relax..." He taunted.

The look on my face showed that I wasn't up for playing. He let out a loud sigh before taking the glass from my hand and holding it up to his lips. I watched as he left it there and stared up at me as if he was waiting to see what I'd do.

This kid was driving my patents crazy. He laughed at how paranoid I was with him not doing what I told him to do and brought the cup back down between his open legs.

"You're so cute when you're mad." He chuckled.

I ignored his comment and gripped his hand to bring back the cup with it and actually drink. Zayn insisted that he was all better after one sip but I didn't let him talk until he was done with the whole glass.

After that was settled, I took the cup away from him and placed it on the nightstand next to my phone. It was then I realized that if my phone is here, then what was Zayn using to text while I was gone? Zayn doesn't have a white phone, he has a black one.

"What were you doing with my phone!" I whispered in anger so my mother doesn't hear what's going on.

Zayn smirked up at me, "It ringed."

"So? What did you do with it?" I asked picking it up and swiping the screen open.

"I responded for you." He smiled.

The first thing I noticed was that I had a new message from Ariana.

From: Ariana

You're having WHAT!

I knew that moment that Zayn was telling her something he shouldn't have. Looking up at him, a grin grew on my face.

"What did you tell her!"

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