Chapter 19.

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The events from earlier replayed in my mind throughout my entire shift. Why would one of my longest and closest friends in the whole entire world just come up to me and talk trash about another guy, who isn't even my boyfriend, but he's equally important. I hate talking bad about people but yet, they still come up to me and rub it in my face that I'm seeing Zayn.

Maybe they're trying to protect me but protect me how? And why is it that they choose now worry knowing that I have bigger problems that they should be worried about, for example, my Dad.

"Can I get you anything else before you leave?" I asked the kind lady and gentlemen who were sitting in the table in front of me.

They stood up and pushed in their chairs.

"No thank you." The lady smile.

"Here," The male reached into his back pocket to pull out his wallet and dig into it in front of me, "Take this tip."

I looked down at the straight five dollar bill he handed me, "Thank you, Sir." I smiled, "Enjoy the rest of your evening."

"You too." He smiled back opening the door for the lady then stepping back out.

Almost at the same time I heard the door begin to close, I heard it slam back open. Thinking it was just another customer, I placed the tip in the back pocket of my black high waisted skinny jeans and looked down at the table in front of me.

I continued to clean up the few dishes that were laid out, my arm stretching over to the far end of the table to grab one of the dirty plates. As I straightened myself back up, I felt my body crash against another warm body behind me.

A gasp was released from my mouth but I soon calmed back down once I noticed exactly who it was.

"Hello, beautiful." I felt a smirk grow against my cheek as Zayn wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Hey." I giggled.

The restaurant was starting to get packed as the late afternoon drew on which ment more eyes would be looking at his ways.

"That was a sexy position we were just in before you stood up." I felt his chest vibrate on my back.

My body turned around in his hold, slightly pulling away so I can look him in the eyes and remind him that we're in a public place.

"Zayn, they're kids here and some adults who wouldn't appreciate you talking like that."

"So?" He shrugged his shoulders, not even caring to look around and see all the look we started to get from patents that were sitting in tables nearby.

"Let them stare, I want them to know you're with me." He looked down, eyes beginning to flutter closed as he leaned down.

Hot, warm lips met mine in a second, the looks from all the people around us could be felt as the room started to heat up. The only thing I could do was push him away, though it really didn't work that much.

"What was that for?" He chuckled taking a few steps back up to me.

The glance I had on my face towards the people made it clear on why I did that.

"You need to stop worrying about what other people think or see of you. Seriously, what do they care about?" He asked.

I wish I could be as outgoing ad Zayn is, without a care in the world towards what people think of me. But that's not who I am, I'm too shy to go along with an act like that because I care about having a clean reputation towards people.

Zayn placed his large hands to cup my waist and pulled me closer to him. A smirk grew on his face as he noticed my cheeks start to get bright red.

"Don't worry, you'll have plenty of time to be yourself when you're alone with me in my flat."

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